Going rate


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2011
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So fellas what would you all class as the "going rate"
For scsffolders part2 advanced etc
A good thread to start.
I wouldn't mind hearing from some Scaffolding company bosses/managers either to see what they think. :idea:

Id say:

Yard Staff - £50 - £70 a day.
Labourer - £80 - £90 a day.
Part 1 - £100 - £120 a day.
Part 2 - £130 - £140 a day.
Advanced - £150+ a day.

London rates, for a basic 8 hour day (8am-4pm).

And before people start posting the crap: "A ticket dont make a Scaffolder", unfortunately nowadays it does.

Ive worked with plenty of Part 2 Scaffolders, who are better then some of the Advanced ones, but in this day and age, you (most of the time) get paid for what qualifications you have and the more tickets you hold, the more versatile you are and the more employable you are.
I agree with what you say Jason
Be interesting see what everyone thinks
i think pt 2 shld get 140 adv 200 and scince thw adv is agold card i think u shld get in the casinos for nowt lol
130 a day
650 a week
520 after tax
Travel (mines 90 a week)
So 410
So 3 weeks money just pays mortage and council tax
So you go on price to earn more and get fucked by h&s
Blokes can't win
i agree jay well put we all overworked and under paid

You know what mate, i think your right.

How can a Bricklayer or a Chippy be on basically the same money, as we are?
I know they are difficult and important jobs and each role needs to be played to complete a job and all that, but look how hard we work and how dangerous our jobs are compared to other trades...

Scaffolding is the MOST physically demanding and the MOST dangerous job in the entire Construction Industry, as well as one of the hardest jobs in the world.

It can be mentally challenging also, depending on what kind of Scaffold your building that day, or even if your trying to strike a job thats been erected by a complete numpty.

Also, without us ALOT of other trades cant work.
  • No Scaffolding = No bricklaying.
  • No Scaffolding = No roofwork.
  • No Scaffolding = No windows fitted.
  • No Scaffolding = No access or egress.
I could go on and on, lol.

I think we should be paid alot more then we are, but i cant see it happening any time soon, not unless we all stick together - which wont happen... :sad2:
A good thread to start.
I wouldn't mind hearing from some Scaffolding company bosses/managers either to see what they think. :idea:

Id say:

Yard Staff - £50 - £70 a day.
Labourer - £80 - £90 a day.
Part 1 - £100 - £120 a day.
Part 2 - £130 - £140 a day.
Advanced - £150+ a day.

London rates, for a basic 8 hour day (8am-4pm).

And before people start posting the crap: "A ticket dont make a Scaffolder", unfortunately nowadays it does.

Ive worked with plenty of Part 2 Scaffolders, who are better then some of the Advanced ones, but in this day and age, you (most of the time) get paid for what qualifications you have and the more tickets you hold, the more versatile you are and the more employable you are.

We have london rate for 8hrs, lets get our brothers from wales, south west of the country, midlands, lancashire, yorkshire, south east, scotland, see what they expect or think they should get paid, i know ive missed some of the country out, so fill in the blanks boys, waiting for the boro boys to kick off, i aint a geography teacher.:nuts:
Yep your right there fella
An example
I just stopped working for a brickwork/ scaffolding firm
On a job 3 handed knocked our **** out all day to have manager say ain't enough money on the job usual **** yet there seems enough money to have a 4 brickies/1 hoddy/1 forklift driver and1 brickies foreman all of which never broke sweat all day
Seems we are now the lowest of the low on jobs these days
I now no longer work for them

---------- Post added at 07:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:33 PM ----------

I personally think 150 s day for part2
Just because it's fuel/travel costs are getting beyond a joke
shouldnt have to work every weekend either to have a decent life style you want your holidays and a bit of flash cash this seems to be what you have to do these days 5 days ante a lot these days once youve paid your bills its only the weekend rates that bump your readys up if you lucky to get time half and double time some only want to paye flat money which is fine if your local and back home by dinner
shouldnt have to work every weekend either to have a decent life style you want your holidays and a bit of flash cash this seems to be what you have to do these days 5 days ante a lot these days once youve paid your bills its only the weekend rates that bump your readys up if you lucky to get time half and double time some only want to paye flat money which is fine if your local and back home by dinner

The porsches have gone fella, the designers clothes, are history, we are just existing above the bread line. meet for a drink soon, make it just the 2, cause we cant afford it. lol:embarrest:
in sheffield part 2 £120 advanced £140 but some are trying it on with the down turn in work the other day i was offered £80 told him he was taking piss and put phone down but thats what where up against

---------- Post added at 08:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 PM ----------

whos up for a ******* uprising lol
i was offered £5.40 an hour last year, i know i got no tickets like but beed doin scaffolding long enough to know wot i'm doing, was 2 years hard labouring before i got to touch a spanner. did hear there payin part 1 £6.30 an gour at min like... our labourer is on more than that lol
Local average in fife right now on the street is between 10-12 quid an hour ( more often then not £10) but for the most, the tickets don't mean as much as the experience or who you are related to within the company!
If you can get yourself into one of the plants or fabrication yards with part 2 max you will get is £14 an hour. But this is normaly 12 hour shifts and weekends or your no longer needed!

Working on the street in scotland right now as a part 1 or 2 your looking at 300-400 a week after tax, and you are still expected to work your arse off!
Sorry state of affiars really, considering i was earning nearly that 8 years ago as a labour!
thats just what some of the p riks are like then when u slap them for taking the piss thay wonder y
Unfortunately if all the firms are fighting against each other on costs then the rates will
Never go up ,
I think some scaffs are under the impression that 30 m a day is enough to make them
Worth 150 a day this is where the problem
Is , they don't get 150 chuck the toys out the pram , sulk , do less want more , get laid off , get pissed off , whine about it
I had to earn my money not long after I started on price , be it only housing estates but I raked it in for 3 years till the contract ended .
Whatever happened to proving your worth
Im all for earning your money.
Ive done my fair share of pricework myself and theres alot of factors to consider, when taking on a price.

  • Things like the lift heights? - 10ft lifts require less work, then 8ft lifts.
  • Is it a straight run, with no silly little inserts? - Means more cutting of boards/more time wasted.
  • How high is the job? - The higher, the harder it is to earn.
  • Has the firm got a decent yard staff? - Poorly loaded lorries, mean more fukking about trying to get the right gear off the lorry...
  • Is there decent parking for the lorry on site? - The further the lorry, the more walking/more time wasted.
Things like that.

Unless your lucky and get a decent 20-30 ft high, straight run, with hardly any board cutting and the lorry is loaded half sensibly and it can park nice and close, your fighting an uphill battle, imo.

As well as that, fukk price anymore, lol.
Who wants to bust their arse 7 days a week, when firms earn millions out of us, just by what we do on a day rate.
They should pay us fairly, so we dont have to bust our arses.

No other trade kills themselves, and neither should we have to.
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