Forum aid

well done bettertax for highlighting the charity i have to be honest i knew nothing of it.
i would still be willing to contribute for a scaffs bereavment fund
if the family got £50 then so be it AT LEAST I WOULD KNOW I CONTRIBUTED and no matter what amount funerals cost plenty and any help is better than no help at all ;)
well done bettertax for highlighting the charity i have to be honest i knew nothing of it.
i would still be willing to contribute for a scaffs bereavment fund
if the family got £50 then so be it AT LEAST I WOULD KNOW I CONTRIBUTED and no matter what amount funerals cost plenty and any help is better than no help at all ;)

Well said mate anything is better than nothing ive been on jobs in the past where lads are getting a 1200 quid a week and only putting a fiver in now to me thats just wrong if your earning that money you can chuck 20 quid in no matter what your circumstances.

But like you say something is better than nothing.
well done bettertax for highlighting the charity i have to be honest i knew nothing of it.
i would still be willing to contribute for a scaffs bereavment fund
if the family got £50 then so be it AT LEAST I WOULD KNOW I CONTRIBUTED and no matter what amount funerals cost plenty and any help is better than no help at all ;)

I echo that sentiment and feel that something from a group such as this in the event of a tragedy is a good thing. Scaffolders caring about other scaffolders families in their time of need.
I would hope that the families get something from the Lighthouse charity but something from here as well would mean a lot.
Scaffolders Charity And Family Fund . S.C.A.F.F ? that probably sounds terrible but ive just woke up and read this thread.

Definitely a great idea and one that i would happily support though, alot of scaffolders families are not the richest and funeral cost can be ridiculous so it would be such a great help to them.
Scaffolders Charity And Family Fund . S.C.A.F.F ? that probably sounds terrible but ive just woke up and read this thread.

Definitely a great idea and one that i would happily support though, alot of scaffolders families are not the richest and funeral cost can be ridiculous so it would be such a great help to them.

Good shout
Very good proscaff it sticks and certainly easy to remember A+ mate

years ago on palmers one of there senior foremen Steve Myers lost his leg at work we all had a whip round for him made well over a grand too...... I myself never met him but loved the feeling of us all getting together for one of our own, gives ya a nice warm feeling and proud that uve put in and done ur bit

It's just a shame that it takes something like this for us all to muck in.....
i as have like many others have read the thank you cards from families posted on notice boards etc this tells you what it means to the familys that their loved one was a liked and respected Scaffolder/worker whatever.
I have personally had the honour of being the guy to hand over the signed card and envelope and seen the look of total suprise at the amount of money and also pride that their loved one was so well thought of;)
It is about time us scaffs started watching out for one another. This job is bad enough without our familys having to worry as well. Lets help lighten the burden for our fellow scaffs wives, kids, family and friends with our own charity. I've got 50 sheets here waiting to be paid... where credits due pal....proud of you for the suggestion...
Noble, altruistic suggestion HSWT. I'm sure that some of the forum's more prominent sponsors will give it their full backing (and monetary contributions). I'm more than happy to pledge a donation each time a brother dies in action. Could I suggest using PayPal as a method of payment. It's easy to set up an account and they are well set up for these sort of things.
And although Rigger said in an earlier post it was a levy or demanding money with menaces it was nothing of the sort.
Everyone was free to donate voluntarily. 2 men out of 200 decided not to and the boss, who was a Brit as well, decided that he didn't want to employ men like them.

If we follow that lead on the forum we'd have to sack 18000 members.
How was 2 men singled out of 200,musta been all lined up. Money or your job???
Still,food for thought and wait to see who volunteers to organise it.
If we follow that lead on the forum we'd have to sack 18000 members.
How was 2 men singled out of 200,musta been all lined up. Money or your job???
Still,food for thought and wait to see who volunteers to organise it.

Not the case at all. No one was lined up or forced to donate. The lads simply signed a wages deduction form so the hours went to the deceased. The boss simply saw that out of the whole work force 2 didn't donate. He asked them why and didn't like their answer.
The guy we were working for was generally a bit of an ******** but not on this occasion. If I remember rightly he paid for the deceased man's family to fly over so they could see where their son, brother etc. had died and they laid a wreath. He took care of all the other expensive stuff as well.
Yes, there are some decent people still left in this industry.

I will be interested to hear the thoughts of Admin, Trad, Forefront etc on this thread.

Hi Fred

I think it is a great idea - but I'm not sure how it would work in practise. For example, would a registered charity need to be setup, tax implications, handling of money, processing transactions etc.

Without doing further research, I really wouldn't have a clue what is involved.

Perhaps it would be better to get behind an existing charity? Some of the sponsors may have more knowledge of what is involved?
Even if it cost 10-15 pence of every pound donated to cover the costs and tax to set this up, im sure none of the lads would begrudge that, cos at the end of the day that would still be a good chunck of money going to the fallen scaffs family. I certinley would mind that.
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