Forum aid

I understand the synicism but dont shoot it down before its started, far too much of that in britain , thats why we are in the mess we are in, twenty shouts from me guaranteed if it gets up and running, a bunch of flowers from the forum at least shows the family his fellow scaffs are arsed !
Well recent "death on site" thread has had nearly 2,000 people read it. Fair enough that will include multiple views from individuals.
I remember following a death in Holland of a Brit scaff everyone working there donated I think 4 hours pay. That was over 200 men. 2 scaffolders declined to donate saying "we didn't know the guy who died.". They were told there was no more work for them and had to leave.

Im not saying its not a good idea.
It is. Its a very decent thing to do for a fellow Scaffolder.
Even just £1 from half the members here will be a substantial amount.

99% of so-called "members" wont be interested.

Id guess that 90% have posted less than 3 times and the other 9% have never posted at all and only search the job section hoping to get that big money job.
(which shows their ignorance immediately, truth is NO job thats that good would be posted here... it'd be hush-hush and made knowledge through friends of friends)

A good idea. The RIGHT idea.
But personally, i dont think it will work.
In 1939 lots of people in Great Britain thought we would have no chance of beating the Germans. Obviously the attitude that something is unworkable and difficult now prevails throughout the country and the scaffolding fraternity.
Obviously anything would have to be set up properly, with a managing committee that ensures ALL donations go to bereaved families. After all the UK raises enough through things like live aid to help people in Africa. This would be the Scaffolders Forum and its members doing something for the scaffolding community.
I appreciate that the majority of members only peruse the forum to look for work etc. and give no worthwhile input but in the event of a scaffolder's death couldn't something be set up so you donate something to enable logging in? If someone objects to that then god help us.
I have no objection far as im concerned the quicker its set up the better. Im sure most of the lads on here would gladly put their hands in their pocket to help a fellow scaff, cos i can almost guarentee that my family would appreciate the help, if there was a donation from a bunch of good lads....
I appreciate that the majority of members only peruse the forum to look for work etc. and give no worthwhile input but in the event of a scaffolder's death couldn't something be set up so you donate something to enable logging in? If someone objects to that then god help us.

Its a good idea.
Id help out as much as i was able to, but just dont expect ££££'s in good donations when/if its set up and god-forbid a Scaffolder gets hurt.

Thats all im saying.
If Scaffolding was such a solid "fraternity" then we'd have our own dedicated Unoin and SCCR and groups like it would be thriving - able to stand toe-to-toe with the NASC and such.

But there aint.
Its not.

Scaffolders DO NOT stick together.
Its not right, but its how the game is nowadays.

Ill help you as much as i can Fred.
But im just trying to look at it realistically.
Scaffolders in the UK do not stick together these days that is probably true.
When I was in Australia ALL the scaffolders donated to a fund set up to help the family of an Irish scaffolder who died in WA while on a working holiday. Thousands were raised.
When I was in Dubai a Nepalese scaffolder died in his sleep of a heart attack aged 27. Every member of the company contributed from the owner down to the humblest scaffolder who earns less a month than the average UK scaff earns in a day. Pakistanis, Indians, Banglas and guys from Ghana also put their hands in their pockets. The money raised along with compensation from the insurance was a substantial amount which helped his family.
It can be done.
Well recent "death on site" thread has had nearly 2,000 people read it. Fair enough that will include multiple views from individuals.
I remember following a death in Holland of a Brit scaff everyone working there donated I think 4 hours pay. That was over 200 men. 2 scaffolders declined to donate saying "we didn't know the guy who died.". They were told there was no more work for them and had to leave.

Quite rightly them being told to leave aswell.

I think it is a great a idea have a spanner ive allways put into collections and allways will.
What a fantastic idea. Nice to see some genuine good people still inhabit this spinning rock .
every big job ive been on a voluntary levy was always taken and the men would walk out in RESPECT for a fellow Scaff or other tradesman.
i especially remember BP Grangemouth around 2000 a Scaffolder crashed his motorbike on the way home from work,a meeting was called and BP tryed to keep the men on site as there were 3 big new build plants on the go as well as the maintenance.They said they would give the family £x amount but if we walked they wouldnt get a penny.
Quite rightly them being told to leave aswell.

I think it is a great a idea have a spanner ive allways put into collections and allways will.

And although Rigger said in an earlier post it was a levy or demanding money with menaces it was nothing of the sort.
Everyone was free to donate voluntarily. 2 men out of 200 decided not to and the boss, who was a Brit as well, decided that he didn't want to employ men like them.
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every big job ive been on a voluntary levy was always taken and the men would walk out in RESPECT for a fellow Scaff or other tradesman.
i especially remember BP Grangemouth around 2000 a Scaffolder crashed his motorbike on the way home from work,a meeting was called and BP tryed to keep the men on site as there were 3 big new build plants on the go as well as the maintenance.They said they would give the family £x amount but if we walked they wouldnt get a penny.

It will be primarily a UK thing and as such should be set up and managed in the UK. I suggest we already have suitable forum sponsors like Trad, Forefront, Buybrand etc. who could administrate it and we have accountants Bettertax who can make sure it is operated as a charity and is free from tax etc.
And although Rigger said in an earlier post it was a levy or demanding money with references it was nothing of the sort.
Everyone was free to donate voluntarily. 2 men out of 200 decided not to and the boss, who was a Brit as well, decided that he didn't want to employ men like them.

Like i said mate good on him you dont want men like that on the jobgood on the gaffer getting rid of them.

You make a lot of good posts and a lot of sarcastic ones to but by far this is the best post you have done and really should be put into practice.
Like i said mate good on him you dont want men like that on the jobgood on the gaffer getting rid of them.

You make a lot of good posts and a lot of sarcastic ones to but by far this is the best post you have done and really should be put into practice.

This may be the most worthy cause but my best effort was Hitler finds out about Palmers lay offs!
As most of you know, in our first year of trading we and you (our clients) supported The Lighthouse Club Benevolent Fund - construction industry charity..

The Lighthouse Clubs Benevolent Fund gives financial help to thousands of families, plunged into financial crisis when they lose their breadwinner’s income through illness, injury or death. Our benevolence team works to assess how best we can help the families of these construction workers, providing them with financial assistance until they can get back on their feet.

They have a vast reserve of money (like £10m) for occasions like this. They don't seem to advertise so most people in the industry that need their help don't know they are there.

I'm sorry I didn't read all the pages you have all contributed to here so I don't know what the consensus was/ is. It is indeed a very generous and noble idea but this charity is already set up with money waiting to be given to those in need.

What you should all be doing is telling your site colleagues of its existence, maybe donating to it, so you know for sure that when the time comes EVERY construction worker can say "hey, get in touch with The Lighthouse Club charity - they are there for ALL construction workers, members or not!"
I had seen a post or advert somewhere before but mistakenly assumed it was something to do with lighthouses, lifeboats, rescue.

---------- Post added at 07:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:58 PM ----------

Ive not seen that how do i find it?

Use the search engine. Enter Hitler and it should appear. Theres about 4 and a couple of 3rd rate efforts from other forum members who tried to jump on the bandwagon.:D
I had seen a post or advert somewhere before but mistakenly assumed it was something to do with lighthouses, lifeboats, rescue.

It is the most stupid name, isn't it.

Anyway, it's there and you should all be aware of it to pass the information on to those who need it.

They have some pretty big supporters, like Speedy for example. We don't really like big, schmoozy charities, that have massive fund raising events (summer and christmas balls) and end up with loads in the coffers because their public awareness is so poor. That's one of the reasons we changed to The Homeless Football Association - a charity in real need of support. (The Homeless World Cup has been on this week in Poland and finishes Sunday).

It's there for YOU if you need it!
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