Foreign Workers

Nobody forces them to live here, if they dont like our laws and christian customs let them go back to where they come from and then they can preach their own relgion to their hearts content
100% agree.

You come here, you accept Britain for how it is - or F.uck off - simple. :)
cheers rigger cracking post and the link to a site i have been following for about 8 years.
i would also like to sugest jihadwatch and dhimitude as real eye openers.
my only worry is that although signing these e-petitions only get debated out of courtesy just look at the referendum on EU debate nothing really came of it.i suppose it will bring it to the public attention but then again they dont listen to us antway:mad:
The more people that sign the more the public feeling's will be aired. As for referendoms non of the UK governments have ever liked them, for the simple reason that they actually do reflect the will of the people.

The Government will have to listen to the people in the end. They will have to stop telling us what is best for us, are start listening to Public Opinion.Come down from their ivory towers and act on what is effecting the citizens of this Great Nation of ours

I have watched the UK going down the pan for many years,wether we can build a Great Britain again I do not know :( I hope it is not too late
hear hear RIGGER you hit the nail on the head,the immigration and assylum disaster is only the tip of the make britain,GREAT BRITAIN again there needs to be a complete and radical change to the society we live in.on the news today wee cammy has announced some mega package to HELP,YES HELP rogue familys.maybe we should help the good hardworking familys.
stop junkies having kids would be a start,a fecking slag up here just got life =12 years for killing her baby with neglect,the child had been lying in the bed so long that he became MUMMIFIED in his blankets its this crap that needs dealt with and not buy throwing money and methodone at them :mad::mad::mad:
A solution for border patrol! Ive been working in Holborn this week,and had to go in by train. Theres no way you can get through the barriers if you dont have a ticket. The day pass is £10. Every station has an army of staff monotoring the barriers,both sides. There's old bill,on both sides of the barrier. As you go down the escalators,there is police and staff on all levels.
Of course a lot of this is for security reasons.
Perhaps if London transport took control of the borders,we might see a tighter ship.
It seems to me,the only thing the local authorities/police department are truly efficient with,is dishing out tickets,and collecting the fines. And now,if you get 3 pts on your licence you can opt to go for a one day learning course. I do believe you pay for this as well. (sounds familiar) apart from having to have a day off as well.
If these departments were to swap places. No xxxxxxx would get into the country. The rest of us could ride trains for free,and park/drive anywhere without worrying about tickets.:cool::laugh:
it shouldnt be too big a problem kicking out the europeans since it looks like they are about to kick us out of europe.
it shouldnt be too big a problem kicking out the europeans since it looks like they are about to kick us out of europe.

About time to, maybe we can get back to BRITISH JOBS 4 BRITISH WORKERS.
I wonder if that would harm us now, more then help us...
Has the rot set too deep for us to stand alone now???

I hope not.
Think its more to do with who will trade with us or to put it another way who will stop trading with us, plus how much of our nations money is tied up in european banks, im no economist but i dont think its all plain sailing and wont be for quiet a long time
1 advantage we have, as a country is that London is the financial centre of the world.
All the big banks trade though the London Stock Exchange, as well as alot of the financial headquarters of the big corporations operate from the City.

I suppose, as we're a Service/Tertiary based country, instead of a Manufacturing based one, that may not produce alot goods-wise anymore, but we control what matters most... Money. :)
1 advantage we have, as a country is that London is the financial centre of the world.
All the big banks trade though the London Stock Exchange, as well as alot of the financial headquarters of the big corporations operate from the City.

I suppose, as we're a Service/Tertiary based country, instead of a Manufacturing based one, that may not produce alot goods-wise anymore, but we control what matters most... Money. :)

Unfortunately we don't do much of that any more, have a walk around the city Jason, most of the banks are foreign owned.
foreign workers

16 english and irish workers (scaffs) been lay off london firm kept 11 foreign workers on
I'm not sure if it's because I'm just a country boy and don't see the problems that others are faced with Rigger but I have to agree with you. I feel it can detract from the forum or at least how others view the forum.

I agree. I have been a "foreign worker" in many countries and have always felt welcome. People have to accept that workers will always travel to different places to seek employment.
We are all Jock Tamsons bairns.

I have never worked abroad but where ever I have been in the world there is always evidence of an intrepid porridge muncher who has made a lot of money from foreign shores. Usually in the shape of some wee greetin ginger shouting the odds at someone else in a foreign tongue.:laugh:
A stat dished out a few years ago. Britain needs 4 working people per pensioner. we currently have 3.6 or thereabouts,so we have a shortfall in the contribitions every year. People coming here to work, no one has a problem with. We tend to lump all arriving on these shores into the same basket.
I suppose it's all based on your own experience Frederik. If there is a large population of lazy useless ingrates whose only skill is a black belt at drawing social security then that is how you will see most. Unfortunately where I am all the black belts are held by the locals.:(
Haha Im sure it was a Scotsman that wrote the book Aom.London has its fare share of scoungers,unfortunately a lot are locals.
French finance minister Francois Baroin says: 'The economic situation in Britain today is very worrying, and you'd rather be French than British in economic terms'

Erm I'd rather be a Pakistani than French Mr Baroin
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