Foreign Workers


May 2, 2010
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West Yorkshire
I for one are a little bit fed up of the ranting, usually accompanied by a lot of foul language, of certain members of this forum as regards the influx of foreign workers into the construction industry and the bigger concern of many that our country is being taken over by foreign customs, practices, and beliefs, to the detriment of the indigenous population and our own National Identity.

The added burden on our Health Services, Schools, Housing, Prisons, and Benefit System. The undercutting of rates of pay and working practices of many of the foreign workers and Companies.

Although I agree with many of the sentiments posted, It does nothing to solve the problem.

May I suggest that you follow the link below and find out what constructive action you can take to make your views known to your local MP and the Government of the UK, and maybe support an organisation that is working to reduce the immigration into the UK.

"A dozen key facts on immigration

Migrants are arriving at the rate of 500,000 a year - or nearly one a minute.

1 Allowing for those who leave, net foreign migration reached 333,000 in 2007, three times the level of 1997

2 The total of migrants who have arrived since 1997 is about 3 million (net foreign immigration of 2.67 plus half the latest estimate of 725,000 illegals)

3 In 2007 one in three London residents were born outside the UK

4 In 2008 one in nine of the UK population was born overseas.

5 Immigration will add nearly 7 million to our population in the next 20 years, mainly in England. That is equivalent to seven times the population of Birmingham.

6 England is now the most crowded country in Europe (apart from Malta)[8] and the fourth most crowded major country in the world.

7 Nearly 40% of household formation in the period 2006-31 will be a result of new immigration - that is 2.5 million extra households

8 The government's own calculation is that immigration raised production by 0.15% per annum in the ten years to 2006, that works out at 62 pence per head per week.

9 The number of foreign born workers over 16 had doubled since 1997 from
1.9 million to 3.8 million. Of these 2.6 million came from outside the EU.

10 One in seven pupils aged 4-11 does not have English as a first language - amounting to 466,000 children.

11 81% of the public agree that the government should substantially reduce immigration levels to Britain.

Revised April 2009”
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I'm not sure if it's because I'm just a country boy and don't see the problems that others are faced with Rigger but I have to agree with you. I feel it can detract from the forum or at least how others view the forum.
There is no doubt that there is a problem with immigration in the uk.
it is also something that maybe 75% of the country has an issue with.
personally i think this is the place to discuss scaffolding issues.

maybe for legal reasons admin needs to warn members and remove posts ranting about foreigners and immigration issues as we do not need this to be classed as a rascist website or for site admin to have legal problems.
i am not advocating the end of free speech but you never know who is lurking on here reading posts.
I've signed it. I bet that at least another couple of million come in before anything gets done.
This can't go on for ever.
Over 126 thousand people agree with you so far Swifty.
Just had a look at this site and thought I'd have a play, so I wrote in scaffolding and found this e petition

Get rid the stupid health and safety rules that ban climbing ladders

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Get rid of the stupid health and safety rules that ban the use of a ladders that force's workers to put up scaffolding for simple jobs. The scaffolding just increase's the costs and force employers to train workers in the correct use of ladders.

Must have been a brickie that put this forward!!!!!!!
and all of his friends and family must have signed it .....
The problem i feel with immigration in this country is:

#1: The majority of Foreign workers coming here simply DO NOT want to adapt or integrate into British society - they bring their own food over, their own style of clothes, their own music and their own religion and they even talk to their own children their native tongue and NOT English.

#2: Immigration is fine is its for a reason and there is a need for a certain 'type' of worker... there is very little reason why Somalians come over to this country and go STRAIGHT on the dole... and bring nothing to this country other then their own twisted and warped way of life.
If there is a massive shortage in Britain for Bread Makers and theres several thousand Romanian Bread Makers willing to come here, then fine - other then a need for Skilled Labour i cant really see why so many are needed here, especially when they are NOT skilled or do work that requires next to no skill like cleaning and stuff.

#3: Our country is too soft, in regards to this Human Rights nonsense. Theres far too many Foreigners here taking the right proper piss and NOT being punished or deported due to their Human Rights... WHAT ABOUT OUR HUMAN RIGHTS??? - The rights to live and work in a country that gives you atleast a fighting chance to live even an average life... and give our kids a chance to do the same.

#4: Too many do-gooder, good for nothing corrupt officials in our Political system that are so incompetent and so f.ucking useless that i seriously doubt their ability to even butter a slice of bread, without narking it up...

#5: Britain as a country is far far too small to have the constant influx of new people coming here looking to getter their lives or just rape a soft touch system, of potentially hundreds of Billions of Pounds. Theres overcrowding everywhere... no one can get on the property ladder, as houses are sky high and new places cannot be built as fast as people are coming here to fill them.

#6: The youth of today (not me... im 30, not 12 years old, as some think here... yes im STILL pissed off at that turn out the last week or so, lol), aint worth a rub.
Kids now are lazy, selfish and overall just f.ucking useless. All they want is the easy money, the fast buck and some kids absolutely DO NOT care how they get it, whether they be out robbing people, selling drugs, selling knicked gear or getting their tits out for some 'Lads Mag'.
They dont wanna work or even do anything that resembles work, which is partly why there is room for Foreign workers to come here and work.

Im sure theres even more reasons why, but i think overall as a country: Britain is in serious trouble - more then any time in their history... this is a 'War' that i dont think we can win as no amount of brave Soldiers, Military genius's or charismatic Kings can save us this time.

The rot in Britain, the cancer eating away at this once great and proud nation is set so deep that i dont think it can be cured.

Breaks my heart.
It really does...
Stop the benefits for non nationals until they have contributed a set amount over a set period. If there is no job, no house or sponsor then there is no reason to be here. All immigrants should be made to pass written & verbal English test especially the kids before been given a school place.
I'm no racist & I believe every person has the right to live & work where they want but only if they contribute to the country of there choice.
As a country we really need to tighten up our criteria for allowing others in. We are just a soft touch right now & getting worse.
My mum now lives in Bulgaria & it's come to light over there that there are over 50'000 polish families who have returned to Poland but are still claiming Uk benefits. How can this be allowed to continue?!!!
totally agree rigger, too many people like nothing better than moaning about summit but aint got tha bottle to get off their lazy arses and do summit about it
Just had a look at this site and thought I'd have a play, so I wrote in scaffolding and found this e petition

Get rid the stupid health and safety rules that ban climbing ladders

Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions

Get rid of the stupid health and safety rules that ban the use of a ladders that force's workers to put up scaffolding for simple jobs. The scaffolding just increase's the costs and force employers to train workers in the correct use of ladders.

Must have been a brickie that put this forward!!!!!!!
and all of his friends and family must have signed it .....

Ladders are not banned mate, thats a common belief, you can work off ladders if its only a short timr period, or a risk assesment has been done to say why your working off ladders...
1st of all I was going to say send them all North of the Border...theres plenty of room there!! (Only joking my fine Scottish friends :cheesy:)

Lots of good points but for me...I think we need to adopt a system modelled on the Australian example...


You have to be self reliant for a minimum period when entering the country and not be allowed to jump straight on welfare.

Have a bonifide sponsor who has been a resident in the country for a long period of time, and whom are actually held to account should their sponoree (Is that really a dissapear into the ether.

Admit only the people with the right qualifications for the particular skills shortage.

I personally dont see how hard it can be as the model is already up and running, I do however appreciate we have too many stupid rules, regs and practices that we signed up to or implimented under the old Labour Regime (I know it may grate on a few but you cannot deny it is SO true) that took away our rights as a nation and fed us the line that "Multi Culturism" works and is to be nurtured...Well it doesnt!! Dont just take my work for it...Lets look at another country...The Netherlands...The most liberal country possibly in the EU...They as a state have admitted that the subject is a big problem, as mentioned before the migrants just DONT intigrate...Most importantly, they put nowhere near as much into they economy as they take out, they live in their own enclaves with mostly their own culture, and the biggest problem that was found found (I would imagine pretty similar in the UK) some immigrants had been resident in The Netherlands for over 25 years and could not even speak basic Dutch!!! They are having a complete re-think on their policies.

We need a strong goverment who will address these problems not a weak Liberal tinged coalition...Sorry folks...For me we need a strong Conservative Goverment (Labour wont/are not capable) that will take on these difficult issues and put the UK first.
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Its not just in scaffolding like a lot of you guys we have worked on a number of solar panel contracts, on one of the houses we finished work at 4ish due to a lack of light made arrangements to return the following morning
when we arrived 2 Polish guys were on the roof fitting the panels. the cheack gets had taken tube from next doors house ( a diffrent scaffold company ) thrown it up in a way so unsafe our lads wouldnt touch it.
i had to ring the competition to let them know their scaffold had been turned into a death trap and that it wasnt us that had made that way. rang the solar panel guys to report it.

and what happens

we went back with site agent after lunch and the gear they'd thrown up was on the floor the panels in place and but for taking photos of the installers on the job in the morning showing the shambles they were working off no one would have belived us
Rant and rave all you like but this one beats them all...some cheéky foreign tw@ts have tried to ban anything along the lines of 'merry christmas' they say its racist and should be happy holidays, a lad I work with who lives in the town next to me has said they haven't put a tree up in there town centre as they did not want to upset people now that is down right cheeky if you ask me
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