Hi Alan
I thought your name rang a bell, we must have crossed paths at some stage back then. In the 80's I had a Labour only firm supplying to GKN, EPL, and GB's, the three guy's I mainly worked with back then was, Mick Smith, Chris Walton and Colin Loveday.
In 2006 / 07 I mistakenly had taken a "Site Managers" position with GB's and worked along side Chris Walton again. Chris is fine however, he will never change, I'm sure you must have worked with him on Bow.
GB's are a shadow of themselves and have lost the plot in regards labour control. I will say no more about that
During that time I got a call from a recruitment firm in Dubai and I am sure the lady said the firm looking for staff was called "Westminster" and I did talk with a Manager / Director from them, maybe that was you, small world as we know.
My name is Bob Linton, lived and worked in Oz for 15 years hence the nick name.
Good Luck, Bob
I thought your name rang a bell, we must have crossed paths at some stage back then. In the 80's I had a Labour only firm supplying to GKN, EPL, and GB's, the three guy's I mainly worked with back then was, Mick Smith, Chris Walton and Colin Loveday.
In 2006 / 07 I mistakenly had taken a "Site Managers" position with GB's and worked along side Chris Walton again. Chris is fine however, he will never change, I'm sure you must have worked with him on Bow.
GB's are a shadow of themselves and have lost the plot in regards labour control. I will say no more about that
During that time I got a call from a recruitment firm in Dubai and I am sure the lady said the firm looking for staff was called "Westminster" and I did talk with a Manager / Director from them, maybe that was you, small world as we know.
My name is Bob Linton, lived and worked in Oz for 15 years hence the nick name.
Good Luck, Bob