If a flying shores a " piece of piss " why you asking questions mate ? there not too difficult, but not a piece of piss, if your not too sure, take along someone who has a good idea about shores,, not being funny mate, just giving advice...
I suspect he's telling lies anyway. But we'll give him the benefit of the doubt and I look forward to seeing pictures of his handywork...
If you have a drawing erect it to that as the designer is covered by insurance that his scheme will support the designed loads, if you dont you could be liable if any problems occurred. Done loads in past found that usually rakered tubes and the adjustment on the jacks is sufficient to hold the span, but that depends on the width between buildings.Got a flying shore to start soon, never done one before.
Have a pretty good idea in my head how i am going to do it but Any advise + tips would be helpfull.
is it better to run the middle of the beams up so when you strike your temp scaffold it pushes a bit more on the screw jacks?
I know these are drawing jobs, but can these be done in alloy or steel beams?
Or are they generally allways steel?
Apparently they both take the same loads but in my eyes is bull **** as i have seen a haki beam snap!