finished work!

I've got an old wheelbarrow at the back of the yard you can use, but only if you don't use it outside of work.
cashin- a very infomative and educational piece of work my friend,and a large amount of effort has gone into it,maybe get it published and sell it to the nasc for their paperwork trail, the only thing i would like to say and i do appoligise if i've concluded wrong,as speed reading was never my forte,and without meaning to demean your work at all is your figures although proberbly accurate and recieved from other sources of research - like many others always talk of falls from height or deaths from height,( did i miss-read or miss something within the dissertation that could confirm that these were actual scaffolders and not other trades such as roofers,painters etc as they seem to be really high and hard to beleave -(this question has been asked as i beleave to the HSE several times to which both they are the NASC do not really know as the figures are never collated and all bunched together) as the surgested percentage would relate to virtually every other scaffolder knowing another who had died from a fall, and certainly put off potential scaffolders from entering the trade lolol............but once again congratulations on a excellent bit of work
cheers mate,
yeh loads of info on other trades falling but i had a word count limit, so had to keep it specifically to scaffolders
how much du reckon the NASC would pay for it lol?? finish uni on friday an need a job/money!
How did you manage to keep it just to scaffolders Cashin as no one else seems to be able to give us that information?
And the univeristy hold all copyrights to my work, i dont mind posting it on here cos its intresting reading for those who want to read it (not many lol) but if the NASC are gna make money of it i want a slice of that lol!

---------- Post added at 09:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 PM ----------

what information? the survey i did?
The injuries from falls from heights. Any other figures quoted from the hse are for all trades and I just wondered how you managed to get figures just for scaffs. I think it's a question that has been asked to a few different sources but the answer is always the same, all the figures are for all the trades.
They got em on the NASC website, although it does only cover companies who are with the nasc, check their safety reports goes back to 1975.. which is decent...

a point i made in my work was that many accidents go unreported, like with small firms an that

but theres no overall governemnt hse on just scaffolding tho... or any other based on it.
recommend any1 i can send it to, to try an get a job??
i got a part 2, 5 yrs, an a drivin licence!
Try LeedsLondonVancouverboy or whatever the feck he is called now. He has a thread on the jobs page looking for all grades for Trads.
i really dont want to spoil your limelight my friend but i really cant belieave those figures are just scaffolders - if gained via the NASC as previously stated they get there figures from both the HSE and the national saftey audit report- all of which just lump all the falls of all trades together, if this is the source of your figures than it would effect the conclution of your dissertation quite significantly - i believe that Alister being a NASC member could clarify but this question has been raised several times at their AGMs and the responce has always been the same or the point has been moved on from.
like many employers although i fully understand the requirement for harness & full ppe like many others am cynical about the use,paperwork of sg4 etc feeling that it greatly reduces the ability as well as the profit ratio and that the American way of blame and claim culture is overtaking commonsense, Recommendations from the NASC as a commercial entity will always be about profit making, and the politics involved of dismantling the smaller companies that cannot keep up with the ever changing criteria of goal post moving that the NASC seem to do - its a shame that whilst you gained valuble information from the forum that you did not expand it with information that you may have gainede in consultation with th SCCR
which figures are you on about? i did use figures from hse at into to show how workin at height effects everyone, then used the nasc findings to norrow it down to scaffolders

if you go to appendix 3 (page 70) it shows all the NASC findings which i took directly of their 2012 safety report!

i had to keep it small as i had a word count i had to keep to
ok i see where your coming from, i was looking at your fig 1a graph and following comments not the graph on p70 - dated 2010 so doesnt take any up to date accident for the last 2 years but the point i'm trying to make is these figures cant be correct as prior to the sg4:05 the nasc did not coralate this information it was all done via the HSE and national adit office (all governmentnon profit making agencies) which lumped all trades together not just scaffolders falling from heights - not the nasc who is a self appointed self govening,self regulated profit making organisation that dispite how it likes to promote itself does not and can not talk on behalf of all scaffolders - what i'm trying to state is by no means a disrespect to the amount of effort and work that you have done- however if we are to look at the figures of no fatalities of scaffolders since 05 then the assumtion and conclution of your depostion should be that only NASC members have no fatalities and this would be then used to assume that all companies should immediatly join the nasc (something i'm sure they would love to happen as another cashcow to there belt) but with out surported figures against the argument via tha Audit office and HSE can not be argued against and so the conclustion is at fault also if the NASC figures are not financially gaining over the saftey aspect one could resonabley argue as to why if there where no fatalities since 04 the NASC decided to re-write in 2010 and plan another in 2013 changing for the 3rd time the way in it is surgested we work - like many scaffolders i cant see the logic as the old saying goes if it aint broke dont try and fix it - unless of course the benifit from the finacial obligation of making one do so ( a bit like Manchester united changing their kit 3 times in a season -does it make them play better ,no but makes them more money)

I dont think the title of the paperwork can be correct as the fataties/inuries figures cannot possibly be accurate as scaffolder only related as you stated at the start of page 4 as these relate to ALL TRADES,not just us
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Fair enough.. i only did it as part of my uni course, i aint tryna change the industry or anything! i jus put it up here for any1 whos intrested to have a look
i understand that - and like i said your to be congratulated on the amount of effort and work you've put into it.only from the otherside of the fence from someone trying to make a living within this industry and the restictions of the saftey imposed on us in anything other than the real world of scaffolding the dissertation with both conclusion and recommendation would apear to be flawed
:Di'd still give u A* for effort lolo but maybe would have to change it to the fiction section lolo;)
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