i aint sure mate i found it with a Jenny wheel that looks like something Noah used on the Ark , my old man who has retired says he remembers them when he worked on palmers in the mid 70s but iam not sure , i always thought only S G B made Podger fittings
phil the double you've shown is a big ben exhibition double on the first look a pile of crap however it was not intended to be used for general scaffold jobs only for guard rails on seating stands or anywhere the public may come into contact hence the slim bolt head that wouldn't catch or snag much better than nipple caps. could you post another pic showing it fastened up and the bolt head
scrapped ours years ago , if i come across any il save them up for you , along with dh , millsyz , hooks , ***** clips and all the other nasties ( note havent included band and plate)
All the comments on this thread are all very truly thought through regarding drop forge doubles, I still say that the GKN 90 is always the best fitting to fix horizontal to vertical tubes.
I think Interserve have them all to themselves unfortunately. I remember when GKN would not sell their own fittings (90's and hooks) they would only hire them.
That sounds about right. Interserve were in Fawley a few years back and thats all they used. Are the designed to be used on there own or do you have to use them double to double. I dont know what the SWL is for one, what class would they be!
I know I shouldn't answer without checking first but yes they should be used 2 per std or double to double and I seem to remember a slip load of 7.1kn.
If I'm wrong someone will let us know very soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!