Does Old School Really Exist?

I get what you are saying boys but I wasn't really referring to our beloved safety men. I was thinking more do you still ram it up the young labourer get him running from first thing and shouting all day long for steel or do you go in for the softly softly please and thank you?

We have always made them run and I have turned out my fair share of quality young scaffolders with the tools to carry them through life and give them a damn good living. Seems there is a softer centre to the new batch starting off and I just wondered if there is still a place in our industry for a dinosaur.

I treat people, as i would like to be treated.
That dont mean i cant beast it about, when i have to and give some numpty Bricklayer a hard time, but i do try to ask for things nicely.

"Chuck us up a clip, please"
"I need 4 5ft tubes, please mate"
"What I would do, if I was you, is do this..."

I do try to be polite, as being on the receiving end of many a beasting, i didnt like it very much, tbh.
I kinda knew the answer to this one already, always nice to have it confirmed.

I love the forum.
Common courtesy doesn't go a miss with anyone but sometimes isn't appreciated by the younguns hence that's the time to push the portaloo over during one of the extended **** breaks they take
I treat people, as i would like to be treated.
That dont mean i cant beast it about, when i have to and give some numpty Bricklayer a hard time, but i do try to ask for things nicely.

"Chuck us up a clip, please"
"I need 4 5ft tubes, please mate"

I do try to be polite, as being on the receiving end of many a beasting, i didnt like it very much, tbh.

Don't get me wrong Jason, I consider myself a very polite mannerly guy. I like the manners and it does grow throughout the squad and now they are all at it but when I see the hoody brigade trying to hide their earrings and just trying to hide they come straight on my radar for a beastin...........politely.
aom "Does Old School Really Exist? "

Not any more, The HSE, with a lot of help from "training" suppliers and Companies taking on graduates straight from universities and fast tracking them into jobs where they are over ruling the old school.

The employment laws, labour agencies, too many small scaffold companies, have all added

Could go on for ever but it is depressing me, I am just glad the game was as it was in my day and I know I got the cream when it was for the taking.
I must admit Rigger it can be a struggle at times. As with everything there has to be a balance, you want to guide with a firm hand especially when you see the results. 7 men left my yard this morning all huffing and puffing not talking to one another and beasted up a crackin job for just after dinner. Reward, sent home early money in the bank all of a sudden everyone is happy again. I am well aware of employment law as it has cost me a small fortune to supply employment contracts and I now have more policy's than doubles. A fine line between giving them back bone and being accused of bullying.
You can only work with what you get,the days when young un's were keen to learn and graft in the most part, have gone except for a few.:sad:

You can only be the gaffer when you are there......When the lads are out of sight they must sort out their own pecking order....spit the dummy or gumshield out and get on with the graft

I have told many a gang "I am not your social worker" get it sorted or feck off. I do not give a ***** either way :mad:
I had a wee think about this today, and I have come to the conclusion that the old school is fine for some but simply not for others. Most have been with me for quite a while so I know how to motivate each individually and I might just have to find another way to motivate this guy. First David Cameron told us to hug a hoody, then after the riots he told us to hang them, well, he wants to get down my yard and tell me how to motivate them.
working on the street in glasgow and got my wee mate in as a groundy,things were fine although he did complain aboot a sore shoulder.i advised him he had another one and shut the feck up.
when the winter started to bite he decided he had a cold,i gave him a day.the day led to another.i was struggling to cover the work and asked him if he would be out again the next day,he told me he was still sick.
i got my sisters boyfriend out but he knew he was only cover.
it had the desired effect the cold disappeared and the wee man was back at work'
15 years later and he still remembers,and hes the same with his boys now
aom "Does Old School Really Exist? "

Not any more, The HSE, with a lot of help from "training" suppliers and Companies taking on graduates straight from universities and fast tracking them into jobs where they are over ruling the old school.

The employment laws, labour agencies, too many small scaffold companies, have all added

Could go on for ever but it is depressing me, I am just glad the game was as it was in my day and I know I got the cream when it was for the taking.

Old School........Yes, Rigger Mate, we did have the best of it, no doubt about that.

I just can't help myself, I just have to add to a Thread with that in the title.

I'll try not to write a book.... well, not yet anyway...but when you have a lot
more years behind you than what you have ahead, you start reminiscing. I know that I qualify
100% as Old School, but it's not just measured in years, it has a lot to do with attitude too.

There are some Scaffolders around now who would have fitted in in the Old Days. When I started we
went to work with a Spanner and a Belt and the Bubble in the back pocket.....that was it! No fancy
toolholder belts that cost a small fortune. There was no PPE. We made our own frogs and went and got the job up!

You could either do it or you couldn't. There were no half measures, it was black and white....Get it up or Go!

From my own point of view Scaffolding suited me perfectly and I took to it like the proverbial Duck takes to water.
I have done everything (and more) that Scaffolders have a reputation for..... and had a great time......:D

I certainly don't believe in Mollycoddling anyone entering this is a Man's job and that is how it should remain.
Health and Safety is now a major industry but nobody has ever bettered the techniques for erecting Scaffolding
since 2 inch diameter Steel Tube Scaffolding and Double Couplers were invented......and let's be realistic here.....
if nobody ever cut any corners with all the new legislation that is around now, hardly any Scaffolds would ever be erected.

Health and Safety....what a joke....I still swing a spanner (I'll know in myself when it's time to quit) and have just
had to renew my Advanced Card again......despite the fact that I have had an Advanced Card ever since CITB originated
the that just another Moneymaking Scam, or what? :suspicious:
Good Post Charlie

Great to see you posting again I hope you continue

We must be of an age because mine needs updating again and I held an advance card from the start of the CISRS

A cut down overcoat (at the knees),and a wooly hat was the winter kit, or DONKEY jacket with plastic shoulders for the rich

Happy Days :D
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Thanks Mate,

Yes, been there, seen it, done regrets.......and hands like iron 'cause we didn't have gloves......but I do remember one winter trying to warm the fittings a bit around a brazier because we could hardly touch them :eek:

old school or good school we all have stories and memories, me i started in 1963 ,just retired 3mnt ago,only wish i could of carried on but time and tide wait for no man,no complaints about the industry in general, had a good life and been to places i would not have been able to afford to go ,met some cracking guys,and some not so cracking,but you get on with it,to be honest reading all the threads on this site i dont think i could handle the attitude of the younger brigade,riggers correct you put up or shut up,went to work done your bit went for a few jars then startered over again.then you turn 50 then thats when you start questioning your lot, bones ache ,you get grumpy, skill and desire still there but as i say time and tide wait for no man.
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