With all due respects to the safety people on here as they give helpfull answers, regarding scaffold inspection, most of the safety people I have come across on sites have limited knowledge on scaffold erection and do'sent extend further than guardrails and toeboards. Such people inspecting a designed scaffold is a joke. You know they have'nt a clue what they are looking at, but ;HEY PRESTO; they have a drawing just like paint by numbers, out comes the tape which they've borrowed and god help us if we're a mm out. If the design had to be changed however slighty due to unforseen circumstances then you've made his day, he's now going to let you know the hierarchal order on site and your at the bottom of it. Phoning, E mailing the designer to talk to him is a waste of time, he cant understand the the words, Max loads & deflections, Max Reaction, Max Sag BM, Max Shear Force, Max Sag Deflection, As for L/B. he dose'nt want to know. He wants a new paint by numbers so he can impress all how technical his job is, What a plonker, I'm sure you've come across the type I'm talking about. Interested in hearing your experiences.