I must admit - makes me sweat when it's called a crash deck- and I like Alan,call them a protection deck or protection platform!
But crash deck is a term frequently used on site.
We ,as engineers, always give a value on the drawing for the capacity of the deck( which must ALWAYS be engineered or at least design advice obtained) if only to protect the scaffold contractor ,should there be a falling object or debris onto it.
But ,as Alan pointed out- if a brick fell from a reasonable height,the impact load cannot be catered for in design, but we generally only specify a distributed load.
There are so many names for different structures and components- animals/ easifix/readylok,clips /singles, aberdeens/ underslung transoms... Etc
We just need to make sure we are all talking about the same thing in the end and that the principal contractor is aware of what they are getting!