China Fitting Factory...

That is the exact reason every stick of gear I own comes from the same supplier who holds all the certs and technical knowledge should anything happen. It kinda overlaps the product training as well though, how many firms out there have all the exact same components? I think not many but maybe I'm wrong.
Morning Guys
Simian, my TV was made in Korea which is a whole nother story!! LOL
I am at the same place as you not happy with the situation but it is the one I find myself having to deal with. It is the same situation that most of the UK is in but have not yet recognized it yet!!

I have been to the factories and seen the production I have seen the testing and I have seen the certs. But as you say that need not be what is in the box when you get it.
You need to carry out your own retesting or get independent 3rd party testing of your product.

LVL boards I have been purchasing and using them for the last 4 years without problem. (no more problems than normal) These boards do not split or warp they do have the hoops which used to cut soft little hands. They come from all over the world I can get them from many locations in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and of course China. The cost difference between a New Zealand and China board can be around $5 US plus tax's not a lot you say but over the past 4 years I have purchased around 300,000 boards.

These boards are all load tested to OSHA and BS2482 requirements. OSHA is a more onerous test. The reason they are not compliant with 2482 is simple 2482 was written for softwood boards not LVL boards. 2482 calls for bands to prevent splitting LVL do not split so no bands. LVL do not have knots as we know them. PROVIDED YOU BUY THE RIGHT LVL BOARD you should have a lot less issues than you do with soft wood.

You are spot on with regards "incidents & accidents" these are more to do with either interference, or overloading or abuse in general.

a very good and lively debate going on here(about time)
cheap chinese system scaffolding has been proved to be the reason behind some scaffold collapses in new york and new jersey,1 of which killed a crane driver if my memory serves me right.
on the evoluition of the industrial revolution,and the treatment of workers i feel that as with the british workers of the late 1800s and early 1900s the chinese will start to demand more rights and better conditions,if they are not already in the process.which will push up the price of the cheap products and who knows may even make them less competative.
then we will find a new production base in sub saharan africa were the greedy conglomerates and masters of industry will exploit children,and the poor peasants to make thereselves even more obesely rich.
but aslong as you can kit yer kid out at asda and tesco with a school uniform for £10 who really cares :cry:
not so daft, daftscaff.
Been around NY & NJ quite a bit and to be honest never saw any T&F, was a bit dissapointed to be honest only ever saw frames and similar. Will look a bit more when I return
I heard that they use a fair bit of Tube and Fitting in the Oil Refineries and Powerstations in America.

Id like to have a go working over there, doing that. :)
the collapses i was speacking of were system and as you say frame type but were from chinese factorys.
i know that the layher and plettac have made inroads in the american markets in recent and clamp as they call it in the refineries and offshore is still a necessary evil.the street work is to a big extent still carried out by members of the carpenters unions,and a lot of the guys are indeed joiners.
Have to he honest never went near refineries or offshore whilst out there.
I think there is a firm that specialise in high rise hangers out there and they use T&F but no idea where the kit is from. (before I get the influx of mails, I have been told it is a very closed shop out there, someone has to die for a job to be passed to the next in line type of thing).

Sorry guys more editing I must type slower!
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The 5 boroughs in ny are tied up, frames only, big system gantries and very big fittings ( " clamps")on them.

Worked in philly for a summer, they use layer copys with big spans on the boards, your classed as a carpenter, union thing.

Not for the feint hearted, americans,they bend iron, that crowd!

Canada is supposed to be a bit better, they use a lot of wedge fittings, van thiel ish and etobicoke is their brand of layer.
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