China Fitting Factory...

Before buying chinese look at how they treat children absolutely shocking

[ame=]Chinese abuse child - YouTube[/ame]
Pan faced c.unts.. and they go on about honour ... hypocritical *******.s

owt made in China usually means " its wa.nk and will break in 2 days time "
Looks like they've caught him stealing or some other trivial crime,poor kid's terrified,i'd like to think any westerner present would have come to his aid,that bullying fecker would have been the one on the floor being kicked by someone twice his size had i been there:mad::mad:
too right bigfish dirtys s,cum bags treatin a child like that..they have no morals fcukin disgusting love to get my hands on someone like that..:mad::mad::mad:
"It's unwise to pay too much but it's unwise to pay too little.

When you pay too much you lose a little money, that is all.

When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything,

because the thing you bought was incapable
of doing the thing you bought it to do.

The common law of business balance prohibits
paying a little and getting a lot.

It can't be done.

If you deal with the lowest bidder,

it's well to add something for the risk you run.
And if you do that,

you will have enough to pay for something better!"
John Ruskin (1819-1900)
I liked your earlier post Rigger and as to the above some of my gear will definitely be from China but all of it is traceable and comes complete with a certificate of authenticity and correct testing certificates. As you already said, just because it comes from China doesn't mean it's crap.
I like Chinese stuff... especially their Kung-Po Noodles. Mmmmmm. :)
I am outraged by what I see when I travel to third world countries such as China and India, I am outraged by how they treat each other as adults and shocked by the way they treat their children. I am a grown man of 56 years of age whit children and grandchildren of my own I am not ashamed to say I cry at the sight of a child being hurt. All that being said where do you think your tube, fittings and system come from?
These people are from a different background to you and I, they have different standards and values the truth be known they are around 100 years behind the first world countries but it is the trade between the third world and the first world that stops us being them. Please don’t see this as an approval of what happens in these countries, it is not.
There but for the grace of God go’s you and I?
I liked your earlier post Rigger and as to the above some of my gear will definitely be from China but all of it is traceable and comes complete with a certificate of authenticity and correct testing certificates. As you already said, just because it comes from China doesn't mean it's crap.

Bought my little en a toy other day ( made in China ) it broke day after, Chinese stuff is *****...
With China's rule of only 1 child per couple, they only want Boys, so the bustards drown the daughters at birth and try again :sad2:
Bought my little en a toy other day ( made in China ) it broke day after, Chinese stuff is *****...

Not if you know what to buy and where to buy it. Most of the gear you use every day with the en stamp on it would have originated from China and they tell me that one of the biggest suppliers went to the wall recently so prepare for a shortfall and price hike in fittings.
With China's rule of only 1 child per couple, they only want Boys, so the bustards drown the daughters at birth and try again :sad2:

I may be wrong. I think only one child qualifies for benefits and state education. I read somewhere that 2oomillion chinamen will never have a wife.
Great,a nation that drowns their daughters and sons that will have no partner.:eek:
Not if you know what to buy and where to buy it. Most of the gear you use every day with the en stamp on it would have originated from China and they tell me that one of the biggest suppliers went to the wall recently so prepare for a shortfall and price hike in fittings.

You are correct AOM, the largest supplier of fittings in Nanjing went to the wall so prices will rise and fittings will be hard to get.

---------- Post added at 11:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:42 AM ----------

I may be wrong. I think only one child qualifies for benefits and state education. I read somewhere that 2oomillion chinamen will never have a wife.
Great,a nation that drowns their daughters and sons that will have no partner.:eek:

I was in china last week and asked the question, I was told they can now have two children, one boy and one girl and there are penalties for anything outside this setting.
To be honest the place is packed bumper to bumper with people and it's very dirty, not my ideal place to live but then I have the choice.
Its a big country alan, I think per square mile our population is denser. By a lot.

I thought Riggers post on evolution of industry showed how harsh we once were on our workforce. If China doesnt implode they may develop in time.
Its a big country alan, I think per square mile our population is denser. By a lot.

I thought Riggers post on evolution of industry showed how harsh we once were on our workforce. If China doesnt implode they may develop in time.

You're right it is a hugh country, which make me wonder why all the little fookers wanted to be stood in the same square foot as I was using????
Even on the high speed train (300km/h) it take almost 2 hours to get from Shanghai to Nanjing but that used to be a 5 hour drive. Its only a couple of inches on the map?
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I'm sure I read somewhere that 20% of the worlds manufactured goods is made in China now..They are stocking the world with everything..
It wont be long before most stuff is made there yanno...
Life is cheap there and so is everything else.
By the time it gets here though it's 90p a foot.:(
To simplify this thread 75% of what we have in our house is made in China, TV's are made in Chinese prisons, Ipod and Iphones are made over there, 98% of the worlds buttons are made in Shanghai according to Piers Morgans show in China. Most of Asda, Tesco, Primark and H and M clothes are made over there or in India. Nobody will stop buying this stuff and buy British if its twice the price, i dont condone it but its where we are.

With regards to scaffolding, 80% of the worlds fittings are done out there and its monitored by hire and sales companies, its batch tested to EN74/EN39 and the minute you walk out of the door they could sub contract it out.

With LVL boards in the UK we have had a Principal Contractor asking for them to be removed off site because they are not to BS2482, they are stronger and in better condition but its to an ANSI standard.

On a positive note though part of hire and sales NASC audits, samples of tubes, fittings and boards have to be tested at a UK specified test house every year to enable quality control. If the person you buy or hire from is not a member of the NASC Hire and Sales then how do you know what you are getting.

Lets be honest and real here how many incidents or accidents have we have with a fitting failure erected correctly? I may have banged my mouth and teeth with dodgy bolts, we may have seen fittings slip due to overloading but there are not that many so something is right with the amount used every day in the UK.

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