Can you create a sphere from scaffold?

I saw it on Thursday night but fenced in with no lights on or owt!

looks ok but i imagined something different!
What's the craic with this, are the pictures up yet or did it turn in to your granny's knitting?
Another one that takes and doesnt give not even a wee photo by the looks of it.
Can i pick your brains but dont expect anything back cheers tubularartist,more like piss artist;)
That was post 666, do you think it meant anything?:)
I think it means youve been on the eldorado,im a guid christian boy brought up in a god fearing calvanist household any mentions of the beast and his mark are throwned upon in my hoose
Sorry lads What an f'ing ball ache, Contracter pulled plug the day after getting it up.
Now he's got one hell of a law suit against him from The Rock
Not taking the piss job does look like a spiders web/kin snow flake but we did what we had to and he was happy.
Gonna stick what pics ive got on now
These things do have a habit of ending in tears, I'm still looking forward to seeing the pics though. I hope you got paid?
We took full payment upfront fortunatly but these things do have a way of bitting you on the arse if your not prepared
I must admit i was gutted when i heard about him pulling the plug but as we are just sub-contracters thats life!
Cheers for your support aom and all others!
Sorry lads What an f'ing ball ache, Contracter pulled plug the day after getting it up.
Now he's got one hell of a law suit against him from The Rock
Not taking the piss job does look like a spiders web/kin snow flake but we did what we had to and he was happy.
Gonna stick what pics ive got on now

If it was me in the ****,I would claim your structure was "not fit for purpose", and I was forced to back out for Health & Safety reason.:eek:

Where are the Pic's mate :worried:
They are there Rigger at the bottom of the main page, not what I expected.
Thanks Mate :bigsmile: My dad said I would go blind if I carried on at 5 day ;)

Cannot say I was impressed with design or "safe" systems of work :wondering:
Neither was I but if it was what the client wanted. Looks a bit like it was a good idea at the time sort of thing. No direspect meant to the erectors.
I have also reviewed my earlier post and have found that I too thought it was fekin awful lookin.(Sorry Tubular)
Think we are getting a little too polite aom :love:

If its brown and stinks of sh*t, chances are it is a Turd :worried:
First mistake:trying to build a disco ball before erecting a solid scaffold or core in this case.second mistake :forgetting the fundimentals .sorry lads but it should have been a case of erect a solid job and make it look like a disco ball after.
That's more like how I imagined it to be Damo.

Rigger, you are quite correct as usual but to be honest I think there is already far too many people willing to line up and take turns at shooting a man down for trying something different. It didn't work this time but as I have said before the man who didn't make a mistake didn't make anything.

That been said it's a turd.
No disrespect to any of the people involved in this but I have to say, it looks like our bent pile just before the tube straightener is due :D
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