Bring back the 80,s

jesus baz,fishbellies ffs,bet thier still cluttering up someones yard.cant say i miss them ladders,feced up many a mans legs humping kit up them[including mine].
adidas samba to your work,with the tongue folded down over the laces.
2 board runs and sitting up a tenement close(stairwell) with the snotters running down your nose and onto your scabby peice(sandwich)as you eye up the fanny going by.
ive got a tear in my eye just now lads:love:
remember the single handrails and remember the olde 9m ladders one good thing with them ladders they came down easier than they went up( everybody clear timber!!!!!)

Hahaha I used them mate, me they were heavy. Not a cat in hells chance of standing one of those up without butting it into a wall first :laugh:
ahhh the good old days 9metre pole ladders.
now we have 9metre lifts built by poles with cisrs cards :mad::mad::mad:
RaRa skirts.:embarrest:(Not mine before you start)
and can anyone remember any bad accidents, i cant really i know a lad who got a toe chopped off catching 5ft tubes, i had my wrist slashed including veins by a board band, also crushed my finger an sliced a bit off by a 21ft tube , but nowt really bad, both my accidents above could easily happen today and being young an daft was largely to blame aswell,

we used to put loadsa work up an down everyday between 2 to 8 of us per gang depending on jobs,

we threw 5fts and stuff upto 3 lifts high used to catch them from anywhere upto 5 or 6 lifts high, throw fittings up and down as high as you could throw, run around scaffolds, steelwork, house roofs , hangers or bridges with no gloves, boots , harness, hats, hi viz etc etc and in all kinds of weather aswell, reguarly sat on back of wagon cos too many to fit in cab,

everyone just knew what they were doing regardless of size of gang that day, loading out was almost perfection the right number of fittings, tubes etc in right place at right time the two main spanners didnt stop , it was like clockwork you could strap the wagons up before scaffs had even started last lift cos you knew the gear needed was out ready , job an knock we rarely wasted a single minute yet the crack and carry was great with both the lads and the public none of the **** you get these days .

Well put,brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it.
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