bridge in liverpool

dunno if youd get that for pyeroy they werrent letting you do 7 days, sure its less money then cape i only done 5 days a week and lucky if a did the half shifts its an absolute s**t hole, walking round with a mask on and manky a think not
when i was at alcan, if you worked 10 hours, you got 12 if you worked 12 you got 14, that during the shutbdown, the normal wage wasn't worth a carrott. and as someone has poiinted out, it's dirty, hot and a total hell hole. They can keep it for me, that was for cape by the way. There was a sheepshagger from carlisle in charge, can't remember his name, snidey little **** he was!
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The London lads take £850 a week after you save money on your cheap flea pit in Kings Cross , hourly rate for Pyeroy is £10.35 for adv and basic and £150 for up to a 12hr shift anywhere in the UK
i would just go do the boiler on the price wait till i got paid for it then f**k off

They've got, or had they're own gang of smoggies who used to come in and do the boiler. if you were a blue eyed boy you were invited to join them!
cant believe this threads still getting posted on .i was talking to a boy on for the in london last week . 150 a day , it was 180 but its been dropped because of the recession ? it works out just over a grand a week with your digs on for 2 weeks of the month then you lose days off the other 2 weeks for your long weekend home

---------- Post added at 12:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 PM ----------

still better than a kick in the c*ck ,they were taking on 2 weeks ago i got a call
bet they haven't gone to the client and said "cos of the recession we are gonna knock a bit off the bill for you". £150 a day in london for a 12hr, even a 10 hour shift is *****, I'm on £140's and I'm in me own bed every night!
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Rang up about this job yesterday an they said the job was nearly finished and the office number is 01914932600 !
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