To be honest Marra, if I remember correctly most felt there was slightly more room for access when the brace was fitted above the toe board. Before TG20, every safety man had an opinion and I remember doing 1 sizeable job using 5 foots for brace from the inside ledger to the top handrail. I hated that and never did it again. When the first TG20 came out in 2005 I think it was, had an allowance to remove 2 lifts of bracing as long as they were strapped to the outside of the job and the upper lifts were not in use. Another load of old tosh, although we did it for a while. We also got a few complaints from guys tripping over the brace when we doglegged them when they went from inside to out so we finally settled on reverting back to the way we always did them which was as described.
We don't do price Marra, but if we did it would be the same way whatever the pay scale.