aeroplane docking rigs

Hi Redviking

That's the sort of thing i'm talking of. Have you done these before pal?
Alot of the Aircraft maintence work is done off there own Hydraulic dockings but these cost a small fortune,but with the lack of space at a lot of Maintence facillities system seems ideal.However spraying the aircraft is a different ball game usually a full erect around the aircraft.;)
alex al get it connor,he left years ago to go to dublin with few of us daft as a brush,hes with cape yarrows.
alex al get it connor,he left years ago to go to dublin with few of us daft as a brush,hes with cape yarrows.

Your names not paul by any chance celticbhoy,seem to remember with the yard being near Ibrox,there were quite a few rangers supporters who worked there,But paul always seemed to keep smiling.:bigsmile:
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