Advanced Scaffold Inspection Training Scheme (SITS) CISRS



Is it worth doing this course and it costs £375 over 2 days

anyone done this at all?

you also have to book up your (working at height) or (Supervisors) Health and Safety Touch screen if less then 2 years on your current scaffold card and after 5 years of passing the course you will have to resit the course for the updated regualtions.

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Is it worth doing this course and it costs £375 over 2 days

anyone done this at all?

you also have to book up your (working at height) or (Supervisors) Health and Safety Touch screen if less then 2 years on your current scaffold card and after 5 years of passing the course you will have to resit the course for the updated regualtions.


I think that im going to do it this year Dal, tbh mate.
Ill speak to you about it later on, if you want?
Has anyone you have worked for asked for it? Maybe it's me but you are already a qualified inspector.
a few big sites i have been on recently you couldnt sign your own job of or anyones job, even being a advanced scaffolder, you had to have either basic or advanced inspection depending what you was signing off.

and the way scaffolding is changing i think for the 'worse' you will need a ticket to sit in a lorry or how to put gloves. :eek:
Did it a while back now... worth having, can't hurt owt..
a few big sites i have been on recently you couldnt sign your own job of or anyones job, even being a advanced scaffolder, you had to have either basic or advanced inspection depending what you was signing off.

and the way scaffolding is changing i think for the 'worse' you will need a ticket to sit in a lorry or how to put gloves. :eek:

They really are thick some of these guy's. I actually quite like it, I just tell them to do their own inspections as all we have are advanced scaffs as per the regulations. I know it's their site and they can make the rules up as they go along but WTF?
Supervisor course now also has the inspection course added for free. But only the basic inspection even if ur advanced. Go figure that one out.
Probably just needed to beef the course up a bit and as the inspection is the most useless......makes perfect sense when you think about it.

Actually, I may need to go on this supervisors course.:embarrest:
Probably just needed to beef the course up a bit and as the inspection is the most useless......makes perfect sense when you think about it.

Actually, I may need to go on this supervisors course.:embarrest:

Get it done pal. Because of what you already know AOM with running your own cartel I think you'll be very bored but you need it to be honest and so does the 2nd in command.
Yeah you are right Steve, the second in command is just waiting to go for his advanced assessment and I think with all they have done in the last couple of months probably has enough on his plate at the minute. I was happy enough just using the SMSTS or whatever you call it but the training group I used to belong to forgot to run the refresher, that's why I have eventually just gone my own way to source the training we need. I will book myself on it in the next week or 2.
Probably just needed to beef the course up a bit and as the inspection is the most useless......makes perfect sense when you think about it.

Actually, I may need to go on this supervisors course.:embarrest:

Doesnt make much sense to have a basic inspection card when ur advanced to me. They should give the advanced lads an advanced inspection card surely.
Woodsie, if you are a scaff you don't need any inspection qualification as you already have them as per the regulation.

Read the thread again and you will see no one from Aom is getting any inspection ticket.
i could be wrong but as iunderstand it they bought the inspectors cards out originaly for non scaffolders,ie site agents & site saftey officers etc to give them a short cashcow certificate to prove they were competant to sighn their on site weekly scaffold inspection book, unfortunatley many SSO have misunderstood their own importance in holding this card and are informing the main contractors that this certificate is now law,and of course the colledges are doing nothing to dispel this train of thought because of the extra revune it brings.
scaffolders can sighn off any work that they're legal allowed to work on
basic2= basic structure
adv= basic &adv structures
if your an advanced scaffolder you can go straight for the adv inspec card
but if basic2 must complete the basic first then the advanced for obvious reasons
i have some mega raking & dead shore work on with shiiit loads of tube in and every SA & SSO incl a full team from the hse have taken a look at it and not one of them has asked to see this certificate, my handover and scafftags seems to keep them happy.
hope this helps,personally you'd be better off with the supervisors tckt
I'll repeat myself. You get to do the basic inspection as part of supervisor. Even if your advanced you get basic inspection not advanced
take the point mate but the thing is you dont have to be a scaffolder to hold the supervisors ticket,hence why they only chuck in a basic inpec tkt to bump the course up a bit, as if a non scaff ticket holder such as a sso they wouldn't want the supervisors expence so only go for the basic inpspec tkt
Yeh but there is an advanced inspection ticket course. Just seems odd to give an advanced scaff a basic one. That's the point I'm trying to make but then they'd loose revenue I suppose.
That's exactly my point. There is no need for us to do any of these daft fekin things but we are like well trained rats so conditioned now to head to training centres at the first opportunity and daft site managers are always scrabbling for the moral high ground whilst cutting corners under the radar.
spot on, and your taking it that they would all be advanced scaffs on the course and they're not.
give you an example -last year i naively took a guy on who i knew had been scaffolding for over 20yrs and who i thought was an advanced, after a cpl of weeks of asking for his tckt ,was given a photocopy of a gold card which stated he was a supervisor- happy days i thought, and started him off on a really good day rate, after a cpl of months in the middle of a temp roof he jacked- off he went leaving me in the **** so i had to get an agency guy in, who i insisted had a A tkt for obviuos reasons,
imagine my horror when they gave me a list of guys available on their books and there he was as bold as brass with a pt1.
wot a mug, i should have checked via the citb list in the first place but i thought you could't be a supervisor without first becomeing a advanced, lucky escape for me and a very valuable lesson
haha, I think he was on here a few months back telling us how good he was.:laugh:
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