They aint banned, and you can't use them on ledgers unless you can secure it as it offers zero slip resistance! Topping out only, wouldn't trust topping out a 21' on one either! They're there for when there's no other way.
Sometimes flinty you make some cracking posts- and its nothing personel my friend.and i'm not having a pop or wanting to start an argument, but with a stupid comment like that it shows you've only been turning a spanner for 6 years...any experianced scaff on here would just laugh at it-why would a ledger or standard join slip- the fact that 1 works with compression and the other with expansion both have been used successfully for years, agreed a topper can be a little lively with a pin in it, but i've never heard of or seen one fall out & when used in a ledger i've always found them to be as secure - i've never seen it in writing that they are banned & untill i do will continue to use them- unfortunately when people make posts like these which are unfounded, others follow and this causes confusion, i had a sso quoting this thead to me yesterday and then had to show him sg & tg booklets to calm him down b4 he made me splice everything in site