Well-known member
I use a 200z stanley claw hammer, you will definately need the claw to pull nails out of the ply when stripping... the system toffee hammers are very ltd...
I dont think we use nails in scaffolding here lads. where do you use the shuttering?
we can go 10ft per transom spacing... would safelinx work on that... remember the winds out here are nothing like the UK... gales in the UK are like a mild breeze hereNot allowed to nail or screw boards here. Theres a new method of holding scaffboards down. Called safelinx.
They are not for filling in awkward gaps or anything Cassie but they will hold down a fleet of boards against winds over 100mph.
I use my system hammer here in Alberta, don't use any wood on here as it's a live plant so I've no need for a claw. Canadians took the pi$$ for a bit, I took it in good humour and waited because I knew my time would come. Watched a couple of them whacking feck out of a ledger trying to get it to sit in the rosette for about 10 minutes one night, then just walked over, podged it in and walked away without a word................
Look on eBay for a estwing roofers hammer. The pick comes in handy when the ledger is abit tight to get in.
Listen, do have the name (brand) of this hammer, I really like it...I used a lathammer back in Holland I tried to find it here in Canada but no such luck I guess they aren't allowed to sell them. The reason I want it again is because they are so damn usefull you can pop nails hammers nails you can pop in ledgers that are tight (put the longer claw into a hole and use it as a lever). Yeah i know you can do that with a ratchet wrench or a podger which we don't use here and I am smarted then a ledger so I use a hammer for this gotta use it anyways to whack the pin in. And if a wooden plank is too far away you reach it again with the longer claw and gently whack it and pull it towards you.
Where would I get a decent one online?
I have two in hand, but I am in China.