Gaz,I believe 950mm is minimum to Top ,470 between handrails.I was told euro regs wanted to make it 1mtr,but compromised with hse because of the massive changes that would have effected other plant,eg, mewps.
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we had some young little P*ick on site today(safety inspector)
he took great pleasure in telling us the minimum height of the top handrail has changed to 1090mm on 01 09 2010
can anyone confirm this
If guard rails move up to 1090, none of the system scaffolds will work.
Cups set at 500 increments = 1.0m from top of transom to top of top rail less the boards 38mm =962mm.
Think there would be a lot of happy people out there with system scaffolds??
System Scaffolds are a law to themselves though.
I cant see how CupLok is still being used... its dangerous as fukk.
How can it be safe to whack a upper cup up to take/put in a tube and leave 2/3 other exposed tubes that could (in theory) pop out the lower cup?
I think its a shiit System, tbh.
Layher blows it out the water.
we had some young little P*ick on site today(safety inspector)
he took great pleasure in telling us the minimum height of the top handrail has changed to 1090mm on 01 09 2010
can anyone confirm this
There is no maximum height just a maximum spacing between rails.
you have just stated in 5 lines what it has took us scaffs 6 pages to say:laugh: