think thats y they had the original thread pulled
well marmite boy -i aint gonna say i told you so! if you'd taken note of the advise that i'd tried to give you in the 1st place instead of rubbishing it then gettin the thread deleated, then puffing yourself up to be the bestest scaff out 10 thousand ,then not taking advise from gary a season vet of working abroad - who i had some very interesting and informative PMs with, you too would also have bailed out and would not have been taken for a ride.
but like eveything else on here with you its always someone elses fault and that pathetic lead into this thread of ohhh pity me,feel sorry for me cos i was wronged, give us a break- through your own stupidy of not fully validating the postion with their own HR dept like i'd advised and spending money and jacking your job(a perfectly good earning one that many on here that are unemployed would luv to have)& putting your familiy through all the stress of potentially being without you for months - you stated yourself on a previous thread was having trouble with ur misses- just to fill your own ego on a postion that you were unsure about weeks ago even the most experianced member going was that uncertain to the validitiy of he pulled out weeks ago - then you deserve everything you got.
was only a couple of months ago that you jumped onto another company full of promises- how long did you last on there - oh yeh 1 day, and was full of "i'm never gonna do that again".
i promised my boss i wasn't gonna give u loads of grief anymore & to be honest i cant be bothered to cos idiots like you never learn from there mistakes- but one bit advise i would give you would be to consentrate on what you've already got, job & familiy, and spend more time wiv ur wife and kids instead of wrighting bollllocks on here all the time. there is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow-the grass aint always greener on the other side-and not all roads are paved with gold that lead to london. about time you grew up. took it on the chin and put the whole thing behind you....
ps stop sending me threatening PMs or you might get what you wish for !