1000th post

Well done Scaffy, you do tend to waffle on though.:D Keep them coming and thanks for all the info.
how come you're not up some scaffold somewhere, instead of posting your 1000 post here? or are you using wi-fi up there? :blink1: well done with the posts!
Well done Scaffy!

Your catching up with me, I don't know how you manage do it as well a working a full time Job!

Keep up the good work, you are great asset to the Scaffolders Forum!
Well done Scaffy!

Your catching up with me, I don't know how you manage do it as well a working a full time Job!

Keep up the good work, you are great asset to the Scaffolders Forum!
Scaffy, are you working hard or hardly working mate ? your like the William Shakespeare of the scaffolding world.
The pleasures of working for yourself , beats going to the pub at 10am
Thank you all im blushing xx
Bet your missus wishes she got as much tongue action from you as you put on here,well done mate.:D
Unfair you got a phone thingy. You can post where ever you are!!!

Well done.:idea::bigsmile:

Could try using it as a phone!!:laugh:

daz only edible till they are 25 mate ,
ragscaff- only email by phone cant afford to go on line mate
theres a reccesion aint ya heard
If shes past the shelf life date Scaffy,time to trade her in mate.lol
Well done Scaffy mate.

Keep up the good waffling. When Garry comes back on, it will take at least a couple of hours to catch you up. :laugh:
knowing garry no more than a couple of hours remember him from the iosh forums
Well done scaffy thats a top achievement m8 :cool: lets hope a few more of us keep striding to reach that goal. Funny how us scaffs r very vocal on site and in the pub, but when we come to put it in letter form we go all shy:embarrest:
thanks gents im blushing with the comments
Madgingerone - what ginger would you be ?? Not Mr G

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