Young dumb full of cum!


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Jan 16, 2011
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On the title subject just thought id ask if you can remember when you was starting out?What was the heaveist thing you ever carried reason i am asking this because i just watched some scaffs on you tube trying all different crazy things!but we all done it when we were all starting out wright :)
one of my first ever jobs on site was one of they german all round stair cases almost killed me ha ha. the joys eh
One of my first jobs was loading a load of 21s that had been bombed off a temp roof by a gang of subbies,couldnt walk the next day...came back for more though,& 26 yrs later still here..
hemping a 21' with a double on the top on my knees;) cant pick up my flask with one hand now:D:D

Paddy my man carried 13 times 13ft boards on my shoulder when working for lyndons,got about 30ft and nearly passed out but it was all fun for the lads who i was working with :embarrest:
a used to work with a guy called andy brown, could carry mega amounts of scaffold, was workin with him on a block of flats, the mad man was carryin 20 ledgers at a time best i could do was ten ha ha
See earlier thread mate, 'No cash No Dash' if it is a job and knock, get oot my fooking way mate, pile the steel on Grumpy grandads shoulders, wahey in the pub again:love::love::love:
See earlier thread mate, 'No cash No Dash' if it is a job and knock, get oot my fooking way mate, pile the steel on Grumpy grandads shoulders, wahey in the pub again:love::love::love:

Paddy did you ever work for sterling scaffolding think they are based wher you are best bunch of boys i worked with even the gaffer was th finest richie was his name i think:)
Paddy my man carried 13 times 13ft boards on my shoulder when working for lyndons,got about 30ft and nearly passed out but it was all fun for the lads who i was working with :embarrest:

Managed 10 boards, but stood on manhole and went straight thru, never again:embarrest:
Got to laugh at all the daft stuff we used to do..

Walked 12 13' Boards from house to wagon which was about 15m for a breakfast...yep...I got a free fry up the next day!! ;)

Rearing a long un up on your knees without it touching the floor....

See how many doubles we could strap to a long un and flip it up standing up...

Top out long un with 5ft the flip it up...then 8ft...etc etc etc

You know...we used to do this for fun at dinner as well!! Obviously not working hard

Anyways...the predictable results of all this is my backs fooked, knees audibly creak, elbows are as stiff as a rapist in a convent and no doubt I can look forward to an old age riddled with athritis...but it was a good laugh!! especially when it went wrong!! :D

Thank fook Im office based now!!:D
Carried 10 x 13 foot boards one day and stood on a 3 inch nail in a bit of ply that ended that for a while :(
Carried 10 x 13 foot boards one day and stood on a 3 inch nail in a bit of ply that ended that for a while :(

Sorry Phillio......but this made me bloody chuckle! I have had the pleasure of a nail in the foot:sick: but I bet the sight of them boards jumping off your shoulder as you tried to remove all the weight from said foot was hilarious. Proper YouTube moment i bet :D
Worst thing was 3 lads pissing themselves laughing at me and me trying to hop around like a madman :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
i was 22 year old labourer on a site 20 year ago, never worked with scaffolding before.. the chargehand (Joe Pickford from stockport) sent me for a 21ft ladder, so i marched to the temp yard about 10 min walk away, found the ladder, popped it on me shoulder and marched back with it, noticed several people looking at me, got back and Joe an the other scaff laffing like ****, i only had a fooking 21ft ladder beam on me shoulder.. me face red as **** an me eyes nearly popping out the sockets with the strain, haha, anybody know if Joe pickford still knocking about coz he wer about 50+ year old then.
Don't know if I should really admit to this but once tried to take the sag out a beam with 6 lifts of yellow jelly still attached to it.:embarrest: That was the first time my back went but certainly wasn't the last.:(
Don't know if I should really admit to this but once tried to take the sag out a beam with 6 lifts of yellow jelly still attached to it.:embarrest: That was the first time my back went but certainly wasn't the last.:(

I reckon your face is still red from the burst vessels in it! We've all done it....sent someone to get a sag out, they come back saying it won't budge. So off we go "I will show you how to do it" move it all of an inches step back and say "yeah that's got it". I know we've all gone to lean on a standard that was either not attached or was a punceon off one ledger!
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Yeah or felt like your falling 5000ft when half your foot goes off the board on the return.:eek:
hahahahaha i was 15 and we had to lift the the scaffold for the bricklayers me old man went to see the site agent and told me to clean all the crap of the scaffold , there is this full sheet of ply weighed more then me so i am trying to stand it up when BANG i am on the lift below it was only covering a 2 foot gap in the boards ( this was the late 70s) took me about 5 minutes to realise what had happened the old man still laughs to this day at me sitting on the tube work below looking petrified :embarrest:
Ha ha I did it on a snow covered job Phill, I couldn't understand why the sheet was so heavy till it was too late. The ***** had only nailed the sheet to 2 boards and as I walked forward veins bursting out the neck bang.:embarrest:
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