
work up in the north east is dire with some luck it will end soon and start to pick up i think the north east is the hardest hit for sure
Hundreds of jobs have u read the job page, there maybe work down south but have u tried gettin on diown there. And do u really want be taken piss out off by some firm that wants pay u 70 or 80 a day, I'd rather drive a van an sit on my arse all day an get that. An so wa if u worked in canada I just got back from a year in new zealand but it don't make me an arrogant super scaff
Like i said to him he must be feeding two dogs and a goldfish , doesn't know what it takes to support a family . Some people just couldn't give a f*ck about any one else - if thats the case why come on a Scaffolding forum and pretend to be part of a community ? . . . - Maybe to Brag about the jobs he hasn't really been on . . . . . A-Hole if you ask me .
i am from the north east there is no work up here. everything is down south . i totally agree with kev (even though he"s a makem lol.)as for vancouver boy you need to give your head a shake. show some support to your fellow scaffs. you are talking out your ar*e. your turn will come!!!

My turn has been and gone son when i left the country to work away. I escaped the slump. I came down to London cos that's where the work is. I have a family and they moved with me. Ok so people have different circumstances and can't move the family away. But digs down here are 80 quid a week all bills included for a room i a shared house. I did this and lots of northern lads do this as well. As for petrol money etc...You don't really need to drive down here. Tube is the main mode as it's highly expensive with the congestion charge etc. I made a call to Leeds this afternoon when i read your last post aimed at me on here and i could have had 2 starts on monday morning. Maybe its just Teeside/ Tyneside etc where there is no work. Is Leeds too far to travel for 120 to 135 a day?

I wont lie to you, i have travelled absolutely miles for work when i have had none. Another example is i got laid off in december and rang round frantically trying to find work last year. I found somewhere in north London. They said they would pay 100 a day ( I couldn't be choosy, i had no work). I got knocked every day and i was getting like 80 to 90. Couple this with not been able to afford the tube on that wage and having to get the bus there and back. I was leaving at 4.45 to get there for 6.45 (2 Buses) then yard at 5pm and getting home between 7.30 and 8 pm. All for ***** money cos there was not much work. Christmas is an exception cos it's always slow and it was soul destroying but the point i'm trying to make is that I was still working, all beit for crap money. There is loads of work like i said before. Maybe travel a little. London aint all it's cracked up to be you know.

---------- Post added at 06:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:59 PM ----------

Hundreds of jobs have u read the job page, there maybe work down south but have u tried gettin on diown there. And do u really want be taken piss out off by some firm that wants pay u 70 or 80 a day, I'd rather drive a van an sit on my arse all day an get that. An so wa if u worked in canada I just got back from a year in new zealand but it don't make me an arrogant super scaff

I never said i was a super scaff. I'm not the best in the world sunshine. I never claim to be something i'm not. Canada/ New Zealand, Big Deal. Seems like sour grapes to me to be honest.

---------- Post added at 06:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:04 PM ----------

Like i said to him he must be feeding two dogs and a goldfish , doesn't know what it takes to support a family . Some people just couldn't give a f*ck about any one else - if thats the case why come on a Scaffolding forum and pretend to be part of a community ? . . . - Maybe to Brag about the jobs he hasn't really been on . . . . . A-Hole if you ask me .

Yes thats right, jobs i have never been on:weird:
I'm really a labourer etc...
why not say that in the first place instead of coming across as an ignorant c*nt , and try giving people a helping hand now and then , that's the whole reason of this forum , and i don't mean "Throwing someone a bone" No-one expects that , they just want some help "SON"
a bit of a 3 way dog fight going on, i work for an agency have done more or less for a year, read some of my posts i have been every where in country for work, a lot of times ive gone on my own to jobs, nowt worse getting put with an established gang, end up doing advanced labouring lol.

2 of my mates have had 9 starts since xmas we all live in east lancashire, if they can find work then anyone can, sometmes you have to take a chance & hopefully something comes out of it, i think you will have to travel/dig i met a load of boro lads on last job, they said they had to travel or dig as there was nothing else.

i will vouch for vancouverleeds he got me a start sorted when i was stuck & sorted me out some cheap digs, i got sorted myself so didnt go in end.

good luck lads on your search ;)
Thankyou ORAC, I seem to be perceived a a cun.t on here in this thread, I'm not arrogant and i will help people out if i can hand them work. Don't like to see anybody struggling. Your case hits the nail on the head Orac cos it's exactly what i'm trying to put across. If there is no work near home, you travel to where it is. Whether it's **** wages or not. As long as it just about keeps your head above water while the going gets tough then so be it. I have done exactly what you have Orac. Went to Ireland and spent 4 years there, there was a downturn and i came home, then Canada when Leeds ran dry with work. When that packed in I moved down to London.
hiya mate,you got any emails addresses for these jobs cos im working in the uk n need a change. worked in holland yrs ago n loved it.
What a jumped up ****

How nice this thread has turned out to be, remind's me of the friendly banter you hear when everyone get's their notice on Friday lunch break at the smoko !:notrust:lol
one of the first posts on this thread came across like you couldn't give a flying f*ck about your fellow scaffs out of work , when asked to give details you said . . . . "Why the fuc.k should i? You should get off your own ars.e and do it yourself. Nobody on here is gonna throw you a bone" - as if we are not looking , do think we are just sat on our a*se's like ?

so if you are wondering why you might be percieved a c*nt maybe you should think what you are saying before you post it for all to see.
Would be a typical scaffs friday afternoon in the boozer this thread lads,come on were here to try to help anyone we can on here lads,lets give each other a few pointers if poss..
I can see both sides here, I would agree with VLB on the point that there is work out there as most the good reliable "spanner hands" I know locally are not having much trouble finding regular work and the work shy blaggers are struggling as firms are running leaner meaner operations .

On the other side there are genuine lads out there who have never know a recession or had travel too far from the door step to find work and are looking for a few pointers as they look for graft further afield rather than sit on their arse waiting for a bone:rolleyes:

Sending off CVs leaving your details with office bods is IMO a total waste of time you need to speak to the man who does hiring and firing , decide which towns and cities are within a sensible daily travel and get on the street speak to your fellow scaffs or better still the waggon driver. See if you can get a mobile number for their supervisor. Getting past the office bods is half the battle ;)

This approach has worked well for me in the past . Good Luck .
speakin to wagon driver usually gets the most info bout anything , most are knowalls

VancouverLeedsLondonBoy u are a proper tool need 2 stop blowin ur own trumpet mate thinkin ur the big man and help ur fellow trafesmen out not rub it in there face
I can see both sides here, I would agree with VLB on the point that there is work out there as most the good reliable "spanner hands" I know locally are not having much trouble finding regular work and the work shy blaggers are struggling as firms are running leaner meaner operations .

On the other side there are genuine lads out there who have never know a recession or had travel too far from the door step to find work and are looking for a few pointers as they look for graft further afield rather than sit on their arse waiting for a bone:rolleyes:

Sending off CVs leaving your details with office bods is IMO a total waste of time you need to speak to the man who does hiring and firing , decide which towns and cities are within a sensible daily travel and get on the street speak to your fellow scaffs or better still the waggon driver. See if you can get a mobile number for their supervisor. Getting past the office bods is half the battle ;)

This approach has worked well for me in the past . Good Luck .

I think Podger has summed it up pretty well here. I can see both sides as well.

Let's end this here and move onto something a bit more constructive!


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