Work all round london

We still have plenty of work if anybody is looking. We are very busy in Park Royal, Brentford, Alperton and Erith with new sites starting every week.

Please give us a call.
Bit of a heads up mate....try answering your fukin phone and im sure you will get the blokes you need !
We have over 160 staff and 80 sites. Did it cross your mind that maybe the person you need to speak to just might have been doing something else.

Maybe he was talking to somebody else that needs work! That is why we have answerphones and messaging services, emails and the like.

I think it is safe to say that you probably wouldn't be what we are looking for anyway.
The only other one is in Orpington. A new build site for Hill Partnerships. Nothing else at the minute in Kent.
Have you got anything in Erith that is near the station?

I'm in a wheelchair before anyone accuses me of being picky.
Stop asking for men when you don't answer the phone !!
Framework by the looks of things your not the type of professional outfit the blokes are looking for......what kind of outfit doesnt answer the phone.....that cocky answer you gave me makes you look like a bit of a kunt doesnt it ;)
We have over 160 staff and 80 sites. Did it cross your mind that maybe the person you need to speak to just might have been doing something else.

Maybe he was talking to somebody else that needs work! That is why we have answerphones and messaging services, emails and the like.

I think it is safe to say that you probably wouldn't be what we are looking for anyway.

If you are under pressure in your office Framework I would like to offer my assistance.
I would be quite happy to answer phone calls and then e mail you with feedback.
I would be like your own personal call centre. I am based in South East Asia and that is where most big businesses have their call centres.
If this service interests you please send me a PM and we can discuss rates etc.
Ok speak soon.
Anybody genuinely looking for work should call the landline number during the working day. We have a full time reception that will deal with your enquiry. The mobile number is manned out of hours but may not always be answered straight away in the evenings or at the weekend.
Can you please stop taking the p1ss? You're upsetting benjo. :cry:

I am being serious. It could be a great service for all the agencies currently advertising on the forum.
For sure only those genuinely looking for work will pay the cost of an international call to the Philippines.
I could also answer any questions about digs, vans, fuel cards, locations etc that are posted on the forum. Plus being a moderator I could instantly remove any silly posts about Dubai, Algeria and where is the exact centre of London. I could also crush the main instigators like VLLB and phil181 with an iron fist.
If I make any spelling mistakes I am pretty thik skined and can take the flak giving the agency recruiters more time to do what they do best which is put feet on scaffold boards and spanners on fittings.
Everyone wins!
The mobile number they give out is out of order I think, complete waste of time ringing this lot maybe there taking names for 2015 as there certainly not ringing people back this year !!
I rang a few times but never got back
Can't be because none of us were suitable
All they do is take name number and ticket type
They asked me what dog I had maybe that's why we never got a start Andy ?
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