whys the bulldog banned

I wonder if he was called Bulldog cause he had a head like a robbers dog :eek:)
What's happened miss a day a the puppy is gone ? Has the dog catcher got him ? Will phone around the kennels to see if he has been handed in LOL
The Bulldog, what a cure for insomnia "dull cu*t" dont mind a wind up, but let's please av a ride out (intelect please) not some not retard fuk*r. Dull cun* dull as ****. (welsh crack). met some real good / mad welsh lads. the mill's, safe hands, S Coe, the Probets, Batchy, Budgie(nice kid) respect to all the welsh lads, there as mad as a march Hare.!!!
The upside down one will need watching Admin, looks like another reptile has crawled out from under their rock. On seconds thoughts as its the weekend you might turn a blind eye and let the lads have a bit of sport.
The upside down one will need watching Admin, looks like another reptile has crawled out from under their rock. On seconds thoughts as its the weekend you might turn a blind eye and let the lads have a bit of sport.

Got him!
Is he banned allready Celticbhoy?. Pity, thought Admin would let us have him for the weekend at least to put manners on him.
He should have beeen like me, join nearly a year ago, dont post
then you wont get banned.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Go on Admin let him loose for the weekend:)
admin can you say why that chap in question was banned?the upside down one lol.

The upside down one was a spammer, filling the forum with junk links to promote software and the like!
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