two weeks ago went away for the weekend came back feeling really good and looking forward to getting back to work only to discover that my yard had been broken into and approx 2500 5ft tube and around 700 7fts had been stolen phoned police took them 5 days to get back to me and then all it was was a call with a crime number which was of no use to me because i am not insured quoted 12000 pa because of location of yard and security issues it does have a10ft fence all round and double gates with 3 top notch locks to cut a long story short a mate of mine a plumber was taking some scrap copper piping to a local scrapyard were he saw 2 pickups unloading loads of short scaffold tubes he rang me and i rang the police to tell them and thought that they might go and investigate WRONG they were extremely busy at the time but would look into it 5days later someone came to see me and said that they had visited the rescrapyard and they couldnt find any trace of scaffolding I WONDER WHY and said it was probably gypsies travelling through who had taken it and promtly gave me a lesson in trying to make my premises more secure all in all if i had to replace it new it would cost around 7 pound for each 5ft and 9 pound for each 7ft a considerable sum so its not some petty crime and it almost put me out of business cant understand why scrapyards take perfectly good galvanised tube when they can clearly see its not scrap any body else had the same problem