where have all my 5fts gone gone to scrapyards everyone


Feb 8, 2011
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Leigh lancashire
two weeks ago went away for the weekend came back feeling really good and looking forward to getting back to work only to discover that my yard had been broken into and approx 2500 5ft tube and around 700 7fts had been stolen phoned police took them 5 days to get back to me and then all it was was a call with a crime number which was of no use to me because i am not insured quoted 12000 pa because of location of yard and security issues it does have a10ft fence all round and double gates with 3 top notch locks to cut a long story short a mate of mine a plumber was taking some scrap copper piping to a local scrapyard were he saw 2 pickups unloading loads of short scaffold tubes he rang me and i rang the police to tell them and thought that they might go and investigate WRONG they were extremely busy at the time but would look into it 5days later someone came to see me and said that they had visited the rescrapyard and they couldnt find any trace of scaffolding I WONDER WHY and said it was probably gypsies travelling through who had taken it and promtly gave me a lesson in trying to make my premises more secure all in all if i had to replace it new it would cost around 7 pound for each 5ft and 9 pound for each 7ft a considerable sum so its not some petty crime and it almost put me out of business cant understand why scrapyards take perfectly good galvanised tube when they can clearly see its not scrap any body else had the same problem
Thats a sad story toppingout,really hope you get through it, sad cos police didnt react,sad cos scrapyards know all too well theres nothing wrong with tube and will scrap it.(As you said) If it was all above board its worth more them scrap, they just see tonnage no questions asked. Cash is King mate,but why didnt you shoot down to scrap yard when your mate phoned you?:wondering:
Post a picture of a painted tube toppingout and we can keep our eyes open. Long shot but you never know.
I do think the scrap yards are to blame, we recently scrapped a load of crap in our yard and they refused to give us a cheque, only dealt in cash!!!!
It took me ages to get a receipt from them

The old bill need to get tough with these bustards and this will put the gippos off, well until they can think of a new scam:mad:

Did see loads of cones on the road the other day, and thought they were going to resurface, no the buggers had nicked the drain covers :amazed:

anyway rant over, must get on, got to get ready for the dale farm eviction:laugh:

Cant they do what EVERY other normal person does in this world!?
Fukking work for a living, instead of poncing about, in white vests or lumberjack coats and about 14 cheap gold-plated bracelets on 1 arm with their over the top fake 'Oirish' accents, acting like they are all boxing superstars???

Fukking scum bags, if you ask me. :mad:
same happened to us 18 months ago bud, I went to scrap yard myself, found some kit , then went to police and dragged 2 of them out to go to scrap yard , they were ganna have me make an appointment to see them the cheeky barstewards, till i did my impression of zeberdy at from desk shouting fcukin pikies run this place its like pikie fcukin central cos you lot wont dare do fcuk all with them, an you now want me to make a fcukin appointment, so to shut me up they followed me to yard lol

one day i will get myself a cape, mask and funky name and will rid the world of pikies forever ha ha haha
I wonder how many companies gear is in that scaffold thats on all the newspaper pics from Dale Farm...Burn the fckers out..
I wonder how many companies gear is in that scaffold thats on all the newspaper pics from Dale Farm...Burn the fckers out..

haha just been on about that, I would give my right arm to be the man in charge of evicting them barstewrds, I would get a yowge loading shovel with a air horn fitted and a speaker I could shout thru, then drive in air horn blazing an shouting run pikie run thru the speaker while trashing the fcukin lot and weighing it all in at the local scrappy
I love the smell of napalm in the morning.:noworry:
Theres a wee "WEEGIE" I know in Cricklewood. His house backs onto this field. Holiday Inn have since bought and built on it. One day he bursts into my cousins house(neighbors) and shouts theres a load of fuxkin pikies moved on to the field. Come on lets go an fuxk em off..We said what!the 3 of us..Wee Davy mckay says ya comin or not. We said a bit risky Davy. He didnt wait,jumps over the fence howling at the pikies.Hes got their attention now, Sticks a spike into the ground and shouts,any of yous cants come past this stick and your fuxkin dead,and if your still here tonite I will burn yous all oot you fuxkin pikie cants. Me and my cousin were gobsmacked with his bravado. They was all gone before night fall. Something Ill never forget. Thing is..Davy and his chinese wife would have done it.
Dirty low life cu nts , they should all be drowned in a bucket of sh it at birth , spend years building up your kit for some work shy lazy cu nt to come along and just help him self and set you back years , they should be hung by their fake "Argos " gold chains every Sunday morning in Hyde Park for public entertainment :mad:

The trouble is; because of the stupid 'Yuman Rights' Act......brought on by lily livered liberals and the poxy EU.........they have more rights than we do!

They are considered a Protected Species......well, Ethnic Minority.....but they always go around team handed and the truth is that the Plod are scared of them........they would rather do you for speeding or some other traffic offence.

There are some good suggestions on here of what to do with them and that should also apply to all the buggers who are always trying to help them.......burning at the stake was the order of the day in Merrie Old Englande in the Middle Ages......:D
Its not always pikies that nick your gear, most of the scrap yards are established by locals. We should maybe look closer to home to see whose pilferring; years ago it was lads I worked with that would run fittings in to scrap yards for their weekend drink.
Fu.ck it, shoot first, ask the questions later :nuts:

they probably have weapons of mass destruction somewhere:D
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