Where can I download the oca aggrement please ?


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2011
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Struggling with this guys having a bit of hassle with the boss over rates, need the 2013-2014 aggrement if anyone has it please cheers
You try I've tried can only find 2012-2013 I need the 2013-2014 aggrement.....
If you had taken the advice of your fellow Scaffolders and joined the union of the offshore worker you would not have had to come back on here and try to freeload it
I take it you are due back dated pay from your employer .
get yourself a back bone Join the OILC 01224 210118 this matter would now be closed
and stop crying out its like watching someone living next door and taping in on your Gas and electric .
First thing old scaff in not trying to freeload it just asking others as this is what the forums for is it not? As for the union I've joined unite , as for asking other fellow scaffs on a scaffolders forum for help!!! I won't bother next time because it seams that it's only any good for taking **** and slagging others off with the sounds of it!!!
First things first being a Scaffolder is about sticking together in your work place,
OCA agreement was put together by your forefathers who work tireless to get this in place in 1989 The
Big strike that's how you get this wage every April,
not because the Big Oil tycoons feel that the offshore work force is entitled to it and do a great Job
If you have joined the other mob then they should have sent this to you along with your membership details as you will have to provide the company and area of work you are in
and what branch you contact for any Grievances
Your current employer should also have sent this to you and any other details you require to work under there duty of care and terms and conditions take care when trying to do this with you current offshore focal point as it can get very slippery if you are doing all the digging get in touch whit you voice at unite and put a collective information pack to him let him do the digging this is what you pay your dues for he should only have to say that he has a number of his members on BLBla contract and are not being payed the current agreement and then sit back and keep all your P&Qs up your sleeves
Well done for Joining up at the other side
Hope this makes scenes
PS have a great time this Christmas lots of love Old Scaff
Well said GG, Im new on here and was hoping for better although banter is and has always been part of the game Cyber Scaffs for personal gain or grudge rule over the genuine guys. Loads of members lack of individual posters.
How can you make that judgement mate, you've been on here for two minutes.

Old scaff made a judgement on GG and got it totally wrong, fair play ive been here two minutes and i may be wrong but Old scaff must have been here ages.
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All the best from Old scaff
Massive Welcome ernnest mate think ull be pukka on here me old china

I can assure u mate there are genuine blokes on here fella I've met a few and actually worked with a good few too, if there is a problem or need advice then it is the best place to come ( usually ) stick with it mate
I dont doubt you at all, i always at least try and speak as i find its so easy to attack without both sides of the story. I maybe new on here but certainly not to the game. Cheers
Wasn't having a dig ernst, give it time and you'll see the forum for what it is.

All the best pal and merry xmas.
Wasn't having a dig ernst, give it time and you'll see the forum for what it is.

All the best pal and merry xmas.

I know mate, but at least ive got guys wanting to debate not a bad start.
Merry xmas to all.
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