"When i was on the tools..."



Hi guys.

I have a little game for everyone*.
Its funny and will give us all a chance to give a little back. ;)

All you have to do is 'fill in the blanks' to: "When i was on the tools..."

"When i was on the tools ______________?" ---> add word/s here. :)

Have fun.
*Thanks to this thread for the inspiration.
When I was on the tools..................

I remember the day I erected 400ft x 5 lifts high fully boarded single handed.
I had to keep ringing the gaffer to find out where the next wagon full of gear was. He kicked off because I put in for standing time.

All that and I was still in the boozer by 3pm.

The young'uns these days don't know they're born

When I was on the tools..................

I remember the day I erected 400ft x 5 lifts high fully boarded single handed.
I had to keep ringing the gaffer to find out where the next wagon full of gear was. He kicked off because I put in for standing time.

All that and I was still in the boozer by 3pm.

The young'uns these days don't know they're born


Now now Dass you know as well as do that was before the double handrail days :p
when i was on the tools ..............................no no wait i still am
we didnt have to put up with all the fooking bullsh!t like we have now simples!!!!!
Just checked there mate, you're right. It was single handrails.

But I forgot that it was buttressed, fully sheeted and it was blowing 90mph gusts and it was snowing

When I we're on the tools we dint need no harness malarky. We used to walk the steel in our hobnailed boots & just a spanner in our back pockets cos we knew what we were on with. In fact they used to use my ledgers for making spirit levels. :)
Thats nothing Karlj , i used to look at the job then put the lorry in reverse slam the brakes on and say to the laborer " stick a handrail on that " and we can fook of for breakfast
Thats nothing Karlj , i used to look at the job then put the lorry in reverse slam the brakes on and say to the laborer " stick a handrail on that " and we can fook of for breakfast

A lorry mate? Fooking hell, in my day all our gear wo carried ont shoulder. Once had this right faggot of a Labrador who once had the cheek to ask for a barrow. Never saw 'im again once we'd ripped 'im to bits in front of everyone in earshot!!!
When I was on the tools.......fcking still am after 37years and still don't know jack **** :)
when everycant i know that became a foreman was on the tools they always said a white hat wont change me--i will always be 1 of the boys
generally always turned out to be fecking rats.
if yous are reading this you know what i mean wa^kers
When i was on the tools id have that lump up before breakfast.


That 'lump' is around that building... every lift fully boarded, fully hardrailed/snagged and monoflexed, 2 handed!
When i was on the tools id have that lump up before breakfast.


That 'lump' is around that building... every lift fully boarded, fully hardrailed/snagged and monoflexed, 2 handed!

Up, windows cleaned & back on the trailer by dinner or don't bother turning up. Lol.
When I was on the tools the only H&S advice was look out for yourself when you are up there!
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