what do you like about scaffolding?


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2010
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iv always liked working on the streets myself, i've worked on stations before and enjoyed it for what it was, but me personally i like being somewhere different alot of the time, seeing different sights, going in old buildings and having a nosy, or say working on a pub:blink1: you get to go places and see things you never normally would...
I would agree with that atlash, I spent a year in the old John Brown yard in clydebank and it really did me in going to the same place all the time. First year or so off shore was good, going on contracting to do a specific job then few day's leave then back on another. I went full time on one then on to a hook-up and it does get to you when your used to moving around.
were the rigs what you expected aom? it certainly opened my eyes looking at some of the photos of them on here. i dont fancy the idea of living on a rig for 2 weeks at a time with no fags, beer, or, well just fags and beer really!
were the rigs what you expected aom? it certainly opened my eyes looking at some of the photos of them on here. i dont fancy the idea of living on a rig for 2 weeks at a time with no fags, beer, or, well just fags and beer really!

The first rig I walked on to was shell I think and they had just been successfully sued in America by a smoker for compounding his habit by supplying cheap fags. The result was by the time I hit the rig, fags had been banned.:eek: The painters had to keep me going the whole trip with roll ups infact they had to even roll them for me as all I could make was trumpets.

I enjoyed the work on the rigs and learned a lot of new tips from working alongside a large group of skilled men but after a while you miss the home life and now very glad I do what I do.
love all of it street,station,rig,refinary,industrial dont matter that much still enjoy going to work doing the work and meeting diffrent people everyday.mostly enjoy working with the younger lads,good crack.
When I was younger I used to like street work, but now older and hope wiser I give it a wide berth, too much hassle. Used to do concerts, film work, sporting events, grandstands, but grew out of it. Never liked buildings sites, but you take what you can get. Always found the industrial engineering side the best money wise. Been working on pharmaceutical plants the last 12 years, clean work, 100% safety expected, but pay top price for it, suits me fine.
I love everything about the job as hard as it is. I started out on building sites which gave me a hell of a lot of experience, but i do prefer the street and historical buildings. I had a spell on the underground for quite a while which was really good learnt hell of a lot down there. But for me any job that comes with a challenge is more than welcome and at the end of the day as long as im earning for my family im happy
i love street work going to different places every day always see something to have a laugh at , pretty women , the banter with the lads all trying to come up with best chat-up lines and failing miserably, causing mayhem to the traffic , arguing with traffic wardens , the lads playing pranks on each other , the mad rush to get finished on a friday because its beer day (even if we are working the weekend) i just love the whole buzz around the streets :)
The challenge and Creativity of erecting fabulous structures out of tubes and boards, the more complicated the better sometimes , other times the less complicated the better :laugh:

used to love putting the bigger jobs up, the heavy duty support, propping , falsework, literally holding buildings up while 1st or 2nd floor was demolished an rebuilt, or jacking whole car park concrete floors down to ground level to smash up so could save external walls , modern ideas and engineering is one big part of the job i love whether its the scaffs doing the WOW work or just on a site where WOW work is happening

On the A55 bangor to holyhead road when it was being dual carriaged one bridge ( not massive ) took 564 wagon loads of concrete and 36 hrs to pour it in a continous pour, om my falsework , due to the geography of the land .

and like phillios

Quote i love street work going to different places every day always see something to have a laugh at , pretty women , the banter with the lads all trying to come up with best chat-up lines and failing miserably, causing mayhem to the traffic , arguing with traffic wardens , the lads playing pranks on each other , the mad rush to get finished on a friday because its beer day (even if we are working the weekend) i just love the whole buzz around the streets

cannot beat a bitta banter
Used to love the crack!!

But its getting harder to find it :sad2::sad2:

I used to like getting back to the yard for the early finish on Friday's .Getting a wage packet where you actually got to see your cash and then going to the pub for a few pint
I may sound like an old git, but after nearly 25 years in the game, and 15 years on price work,it takes it toll on the body,i can still hold my own with any twenty year old, most of the time i do more,i wish i could say i still enjoy this game, but the buzz is not always there, the industry has now to many rules and regulations .and young lads who think they know it all, or maybe we were like that also.
always work about some where , when i start to come down from one of my month long benders and realise iv got no money left theres always someone to take me on the next day . not many grudges held in scaffolding if your any good at your job . i have never had to sign on for well over ten tears and that was by choice as i had other money coming in
Nowadays I just like the pay packet at the end of the week If I'm having a good criac with the lads and enjoying the view that's a bonus. Housing sites in the winter can be soul destroying but sometimes you have to take what you can.
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