what do u think about scaffolding

At my age packing envelopes and dealing with sexy women may just about kill me
scaffolding is still the best option LOL
Yeah I guess I love it. But I'm still young, not been in it that long to hate it yet. There are plenty of days when someone who's in a position that he shouldn't be talks down to us and it makes me want to take my abnormally heavy spanner and bash his teeth out for being so patronising....

I think part of it is being part of that exclusive club, most people can't do scaffolding, they can't cope. But we all stuck it out, we know what it takes. You don't want to leave that club quickly....
It's a great job. Occasionally can be a bit miserable if it's lashing it down.
However the grass is not greener on the other side !
Been scaffolding myself now for 20 years (34 yrs old) and still love getting up in the morning to crack steel!

for all the bad days the good out way them by a country mile,
in all we are all a very special breed and my we all continue!!!!
Started in 1964 as a 16 year old with Mills Scaffold Co Bradford, spent many years with SGB and am still in the game at the tender age of 63, albeit not on the spanners but in the office, tried a few times to get out of it but like any drug you soon weaken and get drawn back, have loved my years in the job and worked in places would never have visited had i been a brickie or a machine overlooker, also worked with some great lads [a lot of them dead now], but on the other hand also worked with some complete *******
all said and done would not have changed a thing :idea::idea:

proper scaffolder 63 years of age and still addicted to drugs
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