Well done Dave on 1000 post

The magic 1000 Dave, its all upwards from now. Reach for the 2000.
Well done fella, in reaching a bag of sand, i dont see that in my wages anymore :eek:
well done dave and you didnt cheat lol!!!
Welcome home Dico, hope you had a good holiday son:bigsmile:
Well done dave b 2:cool:1000 posts...its like a badge of honor...aint it!!! Dico said it..you didnt cheat.Im coming to get you, word assoc..looks good lol
Well done Dave, great effort!

Best Regards

SF Admin

Just read one of your last posts, i would have commented earlier, but I haven't be able to get on the forum since Friday!

Your efforts are really appreciated and I wouldn't ignore a landmark like this!

All the best!
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