Trainee supervisor ?

No worries, if you think that's bad you should read the Scottish football thread in the pub forum.:embarrest:

And that's after it was moderated.:D
have you fallen out with the golf forum AOM?
We luv ya part 1, stick the kettle on.:amuse:
part one scaffold supervisor.your on the wrong thread you should be on the joke of the day thread.imo you should be advanced before you run any job or sign any any handovers etc.looks like just another money makin scam to me.:mad::mad: now go put on the kettle.
Do I hint a bit of jealousy hear.

Part 1 scaffold supervisor, you keep going on supervising and let every scaff hate you......
No jealousy Tac, your right let him supervise and let the scaffs keep on scaffing.:cool:
I'm a part 1 ( until December ) & I was asked to do the supervising / nominated person for the night shift at ratcliffe this year.
The main reason being. Before I started out scaffolding I had 25 years in the roofing & structural waterproofing industry. 10 of these were running my own business employing up to 15 people. I have also had roles as a senior supervisor for a large plc & a senior contracts managers position with a multi million £ flat roofing company. Through this I have lots of experience of organising work/men + I also have my NEBOSH certificates.
The main role of any supervisor for any company now is health & safety. He is there to set the men to work & monitor their safety.
I would never dream of telling any Scaffolder how to do their job but we are all guilty of cutting corners at times & putting ourselves, others & ultimately our employers at risk & this is where the role of the supervisor comes in. The erection/dismantling of any job once the work has been handed over will always fall with the leading hand as he then takes over the responsibility.
Same as when I was running my own scaff company

My son wanted the start

So I told him he could start Monday morning at the bottom, in the yard and work his way up...................Then in the afternoon :cool:
The main role of any supervisor for any company now is health & safety. He is there to set the men to work & monitor their safety.
I would never dream of telling any Scaffolder how to do their job but we are all guilty of cutting corners at times & putting ourselves, others & ultimately our employers at risk & this is where the role of the supervisor comes in. The erection/dismantling of any job once the work has been handed over will always fall with the leading hand as he then takes over the responsibility.

I do think your a good, honest guy Karl... so ill be honest.

If you think and act like that, if you do ever become a Supervisor, then you wont last very long mate.

You'll be forced to make a choice:
Be a Scaffolders boss or be a Firms boss.

If you'll be a Scaffolders boss, then you'll be almost certainly sacked, by the man employing you... If you'll be a Firms boss, you'll be guaranteed work, but EVERY Scaffolder and his dog will hate you.

I know its a very bleak way of looking at things, but the Scaffolding firm owner isnt gonna employ you to 'look after the safety of the men' as his priority - It'll be to make as much profit and cost-cut as much as possible, by ANY means necessary and this will include squeezing every ounce of sweat out of your Scaffolders and '*adjusting' their wages regularly.

*adjusting = knocking the blokes, as often as your able to.

Its all about money.
How much you can save and how much you can make for your boss.

Ultimately a Scaffold firms biggest expense is the guys working for it.
Thats why we get fascicle wages being offered like: £8/£11 an hour.
Less they pay us, more they make us work = More cash in their already extremely full up pockets.

Why earn £1 million a year and be happy (like most NORMAL people would be), when you can push people to the limit and make them smash their balls off, and earn £2 million... Its disgusting, but its how this and many other trades are.
I hear what you're saying mate but to every rule there is an exception.
I fully conversant with the profit & loss of a company & also the need to "crack the whip" when required.
Most of my work is in the power industry as it was when I was contracts managing along with the nations water companies. One of the biggest factors they are concerned about when a company is tendering for a contract is obviously the price but also the companies health & safety credentials & that of it's sub contractors.
So potentially the biggest loss a company of that kind can suffer is being refused work because of it's health & safety record.
The establishments I have worked on have all been extremely safety focused & that has always taken precedent over production.
I appreciate that other sectors of the scaffolding industry are very different & as I've done very little street scaffolding I cannot really comment. In fact the only street firm I have worked for was a complete **** bag. Single handrails no toe boards hardly any braces & so on.
The point of my original thread really was that in today's market for many health & safety is the main concern & depending on an individuals experience & qualifications then it's quite feesable for a trainee to hold a sulervisors role. I would add that such a person should have some kind of health & safety qualification to back this up though.
Jason, please don't take this the wrong way I know we have not always agreed but if I thought that were true I can honestly say I would have packed up and went home long ago. I realise you are talking about bigger concerns than mine but if I couldn't show a bit of loyalty to the boy's that stood by me especially from day one I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror. We have our fall outs and I'm sure there are plenty of days when they wish they were big enough to stove ma heid in but until then there really are some caring firms out there.

Obviously, don't tell the prixs.:embarrest:
Ya i know...
I wasn't having a dig at ALL bosses.

Im working for a firm now and my 2 Foreman are the best 2 ive ever had.
Both of them are excellent blokes and are more then fair. I have alot of time for them both and would put myself out to help them, if they ever needed me to.

I realise that not all bosses are the same either.
I was a Foreman on a few jobs and ive always been for the blokes, which has done me no favours at all, but i wont change for anything.

I suppose i should have said: 'SOME Supervisors can be knobheads', lol. ;)
listen i aint gotta explain myself, but i will i've been scaffolding 10 years and i have worked with alot of advanced scaffs and without blowing my own trumpet i piss all over the majority of em. at the end of the day that ticket is a piece of paper its whats upstairs that matters. so for me its time to step up. Now i've got cocks writing about me on the net LOL mugs!! I leave work at work let alone go home and write about it on some forum u sad c*nts. so i've set the record straight, no need to come back, laters haters!

Looks like you're blowing your trumpet from here boy.
Woooooooooooooo Keep your handbag to your chest.........
listen i aint gotta explain myself, but i will i've been scaffolding 10 years and i have worked with alot of advanced scaffs and without blowing my own trumpet i piss all over the majority of em. at the end of the day that ticket is a piece of paper its whats upstairs that matters. so for me its time to step up. Now i've got cocks writing about me on the net LOL mugs!! I leave work at work let alone go home and write about it on some forum u sad c*nts. so i've set the record straight, no need to come back, laters haters!

A ticket dont make the Scaffolder, but NOWDAYS you need to show certain qualifications for certain jobs.
Being a Part 1 dont make you a bad Scaffolder, or even a bad Supervisor, but there is alot of sites and firms out there who would not employ you, because you are not a fully qualified Scaffolder.
Its the same as any job now. Theres too much legal red tape involved and unless you have a silly piece of paper, you wont be taken seriously.

I, myself have been a chargehand since i was 22 and i was also a Part 1 Scaffolder (im now 30 and im Advanced), but i recognised the importance of needing to get my extra tickets and i waited, saved, worked and eventually got my Part 2 and later my Advanced.

If you have worked with alot of other fully qualified Scaffolders and you are able to "piss all over the majority of em", then why not just go and get your other tickets sorted out?

This way you will not have to justify anything to anyone - Not us, not future employers, not site agents, not anyone.

As well as that, you do realise that soon, if Health and Safety carries on like it has been and gets steadily more and more ridiculous, you wont even be able to wear a belt, unless your a Part 2 Scaffolder or higher, let alone run jobs or put the men to work.

Go and get your Part 2, then Advanced - You lazy fukker, lol.
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