Do you not find though, if your halfway decent and do a good days work the supervisors and contract managers want you on their patch as they can rely on you to make them look good. That way you get looked after.
If you're a nightmare, don't turn up, clear off early, bodge the job up you get the cr*p jobs with the worst money on them.
When I was a manager I was amazed how many brilliant scaffolders would report about how their last company was rubbish and treated them like sh*t and how they were knocked for this and that. Then I would see someone I knew from their old company and get the other side of the story.
I'm not saying this is the case here, but when you're a scaff you just worry about being a scaff, when you're a manager you have to worry about scaffs being scaffs, the clients, the public and just about everybody else. Sometimes you just want an easy life with people who do as they're told when you tell them, in return you look after them.