tower blocks


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2010
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see a few tower blocks today on a housing estate on the way through eltham towards lewisham nice neat jobs and a bloody good days graft by the look of it we all looked on the way through and thought no thankyou misses do you get any more money for for these jobs or is it the going rate take me hat off to you lads
D&R job aint it they are neat tho
yeah very neat scaffy jobs for the athlete scaffolder dont mind a bit of graft but wouldnt want to be in the steel pump up
no just pay the same rate pal, well they did when i done one... we tried for more money but said there wasn't any available or they would lose out on job... obviously they under priced it or just takin us for mugs lol..
Worked on drapers gardens in the city for d&r
Back in the late 90's was biggest independent in Europe
At the time was a lump
done a few in my time , railway sleepers for pads, 8ft transoms, 10ft dog legs , bout 2000 boards minimum, an you always get some lazy tw@t in middle of chaining gear up who needs a good slap but by time you finished pumping gear up your arms arent capable of slapping fcuk all :laugh:

even worse when the 2000 boards are brand new still growing heavy mudda fudda,s delivered by artic and you unloading trailer straight up to the top lift, constantly feeling your arms and watching trailer empty bit by bit, then just as its bout empty another trailer pulls in, somebody pass me the short rope plz lol
Done my fair share of tower blocks , nothing but hard graft from start to finish. Just give me a 20 foot high 8 foot tower these days :)
Nice Phil
Worked on tower blocks in Liverpool, late 90's.
Don't recall being paid any more money
And that would be why the younger generation of scaffolders all seem to be pussys VLLB as they have never had to rope gear up 100 plus feet , one of mine was winging about a 16 foot ladder beam yesterday , so muggings here had to pull it up and fix it , because it was to heavy for him :(
And that would be why the younger generation of scaffolders all seem to be pussys VLLB as they have never had to rope gear up 100 plus feet , one of mine was winging about a 16 foot ladder beam yesterday , so muggings here had to pull it up and fix it , because it was to heavy for him :(

yeah and most are alley now and not steel:laugh:
fcuk me if i had whinged it was too heavy, when i was a youngen , they would have wrapped the whole fcukin beam round my head, then made me carry it up the fcukin ladder .
Aint that the truth super , go get 50 long stand them up , then jump up 2 lifts and chain them up , then go get me 50 boards stood up in between getting the fittings 5s and 8s up to me :eek:

i thought my name was " Go get me you little cu nt " for the first 2 years of my scaffolding life :(
Feeling that one phillios
All I did was run around like a blue arse fly
And it was still " you've got it f&@king easy"
"if you don't like it f@&k off"
Ah yes that's what you call old school training, the chaining gear all bloody day badge is one of the best ! lol
yip thats exactly what it was like phillios , i didnt dare stop or owt until every tube , board and fitting was off the wagon and stood up ready to go, maybe if it was still like that today half the riots and other trouble we hear about everyday wouldnt be happening,

i remember coming home from work when i was 16 , between 3pm an 4pm lying on my bed then being woken up by my father saying its 6-30 thinking my tea must be ready then realising i had missed my fcukin tea and supper cos it was 6-30 in the morning, slept all way thru more than once :laugh: once i wasnt even on my fcukin bed but the floor, we worked 7-00am till we were finished simple as that somedays 1-30 if we were lucky but generally back home between 3 an 4 pm job an knock we had a 20 t 30 min break , an that was it

---------- Post added at 07:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:20 PM ----------

i used to get a slap over the head if i got something wrong , and if i got something right as a reward i would get a slap over the head, so i made sure everything was right first time everytime lol
I have had a few lads tha have gone on to become good lads and it is all down to how you teach them , we still always work until the job is done , its that simple , if you want to go home early then get your finger out and get it done.I dont care if they finish at 2 oclock or 5 oclock as long as they have done their graft for the day. I never could understand why you want to be out all day if you dont have to be.A good dose of price work is what some of these lads need it soon sorts the men from the boys.

if a young lad is still turning up after 2 weeks then he will be a good lad ,most only last 2 days LOL
Superscaff done the I've gone back 19
Years..fell asleep eating me dinner once
In the yard at 5.45 cafe at 6 big breakfast then go like ****
Till 3
And still never good enough
Can't work anyone like that now
They ain't interested cuz they did a part 1
bet no one has ever met an old school trained person no matter what trade who was a wanka at his job , wankas just didnt last simple as that, im still mates with the men who made my life hell to this day, they slapped ya, shouted at ya , called ya, pinched ya bait ya mammy had made up for ya, and tried to break ya but when they see you laid in wheel barrow having a gasper cos you now so good you get all kit in strap wagon up an actually shout up to tell them to hurry up they slowing you down loading the lift, they knew you wernt wanka an promoted you to chief knobhead an treat you like family an share your bait with ya :nuts::laugh:
Yeah I know what you mean when I started all I ever heard was " WAITING "
was great the day you could stand there and shout it at them
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