The worst injury from scaffolding apart from death


steveo south east

Once whilst chaining boards down i got a splinter the size of a match impaled in the palm of my hand it went straight through my gloves and i had to go to the hospital to have it removed. I got alot of stick for that! The most painful
thing i have ever experienced.
had the exact same thing , i thought for a millisecond it had gone very deep into my hand and heavily over-reacted , and still get the piss ripped out of me for it ,lol

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going to the eye infirmary and sticking my head in a vice wasnt to good either

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then theres that time i broke my ankle
oh and getting my arm stuck in between the lugs of 3 kwikstage standards wasnt too good either , i have the outline of the standard imprinted on my arm
Sprained knee from falling threw lapped board on a splay. Not so long ago but the most apinfull i fink is tw@ting ya finger tips at -10 no 1 gonna tell me they dont feel lik crying when that happens only thin stopping me is the tear ducks froz lol
Had a 5ft dropped endways right on the top of my nut,never knew there was that much blood in me,now that feckin hurt:sick:
Once whilst chaining boards down i got a splinter the size of a match impaled in the palm of my hand it went straight through my gloves and i had to go to the hospital to have it removed. I got alot of stick for that! The most painful
thing i have ever experienced.

haha, no matter how many threads you start you would still get ripped to bits for that one at Aom.:laugh::laugh:
In a long chain stripping a boiler, sleeve fell from 70ft and landed square on shoulder, I had a ring imprinted in shoulder for a week... Badly bruised shoulder (not broken) and was paid extra money to go back to work the next day, thus avoiding 3 day lost time.
paid extra! i am going to have to learn how to milk it more
Best ever....
On a job using a rope and gin wheel at 40ft high
At break the que for a sarni took ages so one clever Scaff decided to grab both sides of the rope hanging from gin wheel and slide down 40ft to beat everyone else to the front of the sandwich que.
This happened for 2 days.
The third day he grabbed the rope but only one end and went straight down 40 ft breaking both ankles.....
i once used a customers toilet n got my wee caught in my zip lucky she was a nurse, only thing is she wouldn't look at it for me!
Best ever....
On a job using a rope and gin wheel at 40ft high
At break the que for a sarni took ages so one clever Scaff decided to grab both sides of the rope hanging from gin wheel and slide down 40ft to beat everyone else to the front of the sandwich que.
This happened for 2 days.
The third day he grabbed the rope but only one end and went straight down 40 ft breaking both ankles.....

haha, it wasn't VLLB was it?:laugh:
Best ever....
On a job using a rope and gin wheel at 40ft high
At break the que for a sarni took ages so one clever Scaff decided to grab both sides of the rope hanging from gin wheel and slide down 40ft to beat everyone else to the front of the sandwich que.
This happened for 2 days.
The third day he grabbed the rope but only one end and went straight down 40 ft breaking both ankles.....

haha, it wasn't VLLB was it?:laugh:

No it wasn't. Im pretty sure the lad doesn't have an account. I can't name him anyway because I don't think this is the storey he told 'injury claim lawyers for you'
haha, sounds more like him with every post.:laugh:

Just kidding, there is a story behind it but I better leave it as it caused a stink at the time.
still flashback to when my foot slipped in the rotterdam botlek(scaffolders graveyard) and i nearly went over while holding a dropper , stayed on and built a fine job on queens day while the rest of holland partied , i reckon if i fell and died the couple of dutch i was with would have just fucked off and left me there
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