The owner of the Grangemouth petrochemical plant is to close the operation

I cannot help but entertain that the situation has been engineered by a higher power other the Union and Operator...the strategic importance of the Site and its effect on GDP if it fails, will influence the future of inward investment and will undermine the resolve of the First Minister calling in to question his ability to square the circle and rescue the thinks there is far more to this situation than meets the eye...
Who gives a flying f-ck i work in the chemicals and some of these lazy scaffs with hertel who i work for deserve the boot,me ill just get transfered elsewhere good riddens too bad rubbish half them english ***** are taking goos scotsmans jobs,get back to where you belong

ahaha i can not w8 until you vote your Independence because i can guarantee not 1 greedy scot wlil go back up north and with the likes of grange mouth who next ......this shows scotland isnt ready for it but hey if you want it you can have it for my liking marra 10 million less people my tax if going on ya racist **** with out england scotland would be nothing :laugh:

I cannot help but entertain that the situation has been engineered by a higher power other the Union and Operator...the strategic importance of the Site and its effect on GDP if it fails, will influence the future of inward investment and will undermine the resolve of the First Minister calling in to question his ability to square the circle and rescue the thinks there is far more to this situation than meets the eye...

your maby rite garry marra (hope you dont take the view of your fellow scotch man lol ) but maby just maby this has somethign to do with scotland indapendance after all were does all the government money come form to subsidies it only a thourght
Who gives a flying f-ck i work in the chemicals and some of these lazy scaffs with hertel who i work for deserve the boot,me ill just get transfered elsewhere good riddens too bad rubbish half them english ***** are taking goos scotsmans jobs,get back to where you belong

Send them homewards to think again
Marra...aye yer rit, Scotland will only become Independent when she becomes a liability to Westminster, we are perceived as a liability now, how bigger a liability would it be if the Site closes for a prolonged length of time rendering it a colossal loss and an expensive start up...( if it ever starts up again )...I would have thought that this could be an opportunity to Survey the Fabric of the Plant and re-engineers where applicable and sell it of to interested Parties or Nationalise eeek...

A Mans Political affiliation nor the Flag he stands under is no concern of mine...I go wi Robert Burn philosophy that A Mans a Man for all that...
as travelling man I don't give a feck where my fellow scaffs are from WITHIN REASON;)
the uk government cant let the plant go as it does feed the north of engerlund.The forties pipeline also arrives at what is the Kinneil plant which BP Kept (money spinner)
it does look more and more like a bit of political chess is being played out,as the whole Labour party vote rigging by unite was based on the site ALLEGEDLY.The independence vote coming up is another angle as the Uk government will get the plaudits if they manage to keep it open,or wee eck and snp will get them if they keep it shut.
AS FOR MARRAS TAXES PAYING FOR 10MILLION SCOTS sorry pal theres only 5 million of us,but with the amount of GDP we put into the Westminster coffers you would probably think there was 10 million of us.
@ Happy

Well said that Man, we both Know how smoke and mirrors work eh Bro, deflect and put the derry on some other cant less as wide as you...the mandatory fall guy will always get the blame...same in all walks of life...

fae yer Pal in the N/E
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