Agreed Charlie.When I got into this game..... it wasn't because I wanted to comply with any law.
It was for the freedom and fun you could have (and not many were capable of doing the job), that were the main attractions....and the money wasn't too bad.
In those days you could either do it, or you couldn't....and those that couldn't were told to F6ck off and probably got jobs as Bus Conductors before the emerging monolith of the Safety Industry took over.....then they became Elfs!
As a confirmed Luddite, I don't believe a bit of plastic or paper makes a Scaffolder......I still believe it takes a Spanner and the ingenuity and b4lls to use it!
These days the Health and Safety legislation hides the job so much you cant tell who is a real scaffolder.
The stations, refineries etc still get to the point where loss of production is costing them millions and will turn a blind eye to old fashioned dismantling.
They will get to the point where the workforce don't know how to tear into a job safely and efficiently and be home for dinner.