The law

When I got into this game..... it wasn't because I wanted to comply with any law.

It was for the freedom and fun you could have (and not many were capable of doing the job), that were the main attractions....and the money wasn't too bad.

In those days you could either do it, or you couldn't....and those that couldn't were told to F6ck off and probably got jobs as Bus Conductors before the emerging monolith of the Safety Industry took over.....then they became Elfs!

As a confirmed Luddite, I don't believe a bit of plastic or paper makes a Scaffolder......I still believe it takes a Spanner and the ingenuity and b4lls to use it!
Agreed Charlie.
These days the Health and Safety legislation hides the job so much you cant tell who is a real scaffolder.
The stations, refineries etc still get to the point where loss of production is costing them millions and will turn a blind eye to old fashioned dismantling.
They will get to the point where the workforce don't know how to tear into a job safely and efficiently and be home for dinner.
I am just really glad to be Old School.........

I can't imagine what it would be like starting out these days :cry:

Mostly true, still got the teeth even if they now resemble a row of condemned houses.
Yes.... still got all the teeth.....:amazed:

Back's not too bad..................:)

Motivation: Waning .................:wondering:
A serious scaffolding specialist, mm, can I put that on my paper work HSWT?

The week I have had and the stupid comments from so called knowledgeable safety men, I can only concur with your findings. Not the forum thing but the fact that a large portion of our industry is policed by a bunch of inbred boaby sookers who couldn't tell fact from fiction when the b54 bomber landed on the moon piloted by elvis as first reported in their paper of choice the National Enquirer.

My latest comment from another so called elf an safety man on Friday, "I want to see tubes hitting the wall on all these jobs."

Sounds fair enough you may think, well not if the job is insulated render and the first job of the day is to fix 300mm thick insulated panels to all of these walls before applying the render you fekin thick kunt.:mad:

get it in righting use slider and then charge to retract lol
forgive me if im wrong but having a few furstenburgs watching the germans bully the spanish,but as regarding LAW and Scaffolding
isnt the w@h regs and CDM (probably wrong) not the only bit of legislation that actually applys to Scaffolding
the others are merely by products of these REGS
IE HARNESS WEARING,TG20 is only that a Guideline advanced guardrails to fall into line with SG4 again a guideline
The law is irrelevant, working practices are dictated by the main contractor in either construction, offshore, industrial or petrochemical as advised by Simian who have single handedly saved our industry.
I remember in the nineties the twenty page method statement that dealt with de-slagging a boiler for a tube leak, the truth was they opened doorway 14 ? and threw you in to chimp your way to the pendants.

Barcas bubble has burst
Thats a big statement mspance when you consider the SG4:05 was wrong the TG20 is wrong and you state single hand saved our industry.
Are you on the pay roll?
Aye the old pendicles i didint have a clue what one was till i went in a wee hatch with poor lighting to see a couple of 750 beams across a blackhole with my squad being designated to taking a tower 100 foot up as a squad were taking a hanger off the same set of beams down 70 ft
cant recall too much about the ra or signing the method statement this was only 10 years ago and with 1 of the big nasc players
but the job got done;)
Fuuk the Law........:D

I once got locked up for going to do the Saturday morning job late on a Friday night....

Me and my mate had gone for a drink on you do...and decided that as our Sat morning job was just round the corner............we would knock it out now..........hahahaha.......true.

It was a Temp Roof in Paddington in the 60's and we got up there no problem ....but.......there is always a but.....we were observed by a stupid cow who didn't realise we were bone fide she called 999...... yes true.....

OK.... we are in the cells in Paddington Green Nick and they have to get our Supervisor out of bed to come and verify who we are.......well, great fun!

That was in the 1960's and Norstel was a great was that Supervisor.

I can't recall his name, but it really was different in those would probably get the sack now.


You brought back a few good times to me when you mentioned ,Norstel
I worked for them early 70,s out of York Depot, good firm with good lads and management. I was there 3 years, all aluminium tube and fitting,s
Boy did it hurt when I went back onto the steel

You brought back a few good times to me when you mentioned ,Norstel
I worked for them early 70,s out of York Depot, good firm with good lads and management. I was there 3 years, all aluminium tube and fitting,s
Boy did it hurt when I went back onto the steel[/QUOTE

Yes, me old Mate...

And we even had 24 foot tubes.....they were very handy.....but mixing steel with Ally was a No! No!

Part of the DeHavilland Group.....I liked Norstel :)
"And we even had 24 foot tubes.....they were very handy.....but mixing steel with Ally was a No! No! "

never mixed them you old duffer :weird:

I meant when I left Norstel and worked for other companies that used steel

Keep taking the tablets:D
Thats a big statement mspance when you consider the SG4:05 was wrong the TG20 is wrong and you state single hand saved our industry.
Are you on the pay roll?
I would rather stick pins in my eyes.
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