The law

See so much crap posted on here and other scaffolding sites saying its the LAW to do certain things.
For example BY LAW you have to have CISRS card, you must wear a harness when off the ground, anyone got any exact points except from not breaching the WAH regs?

I read somewhere that it's illegal to murder a prostitute and have sex with her corpse...
I read somewhere that it's illegal to murder a prostitute and have sex with her corpse...

Ah FFS can we do nothing now :mad:
there ought to be a LAW against Trolling legitimate Scaffolding Legislation threads ;)
Someone needs to have a serious talk with that phil181.

I believe phil is a practising necrophiliac and also a white witch,hence the obsession with cats,i believe he's a warlock of his local coven,so beware my friend:D
Not one serious comment to be had. Typical of the attitude coursing through the forum that scaffolding is a bit of a laugh and a subject that invokes banter and pi## taking.
Thank heavens that the sensible, serious scaffolding specialists such as aom, happyhugenot, gerscaff and celticboy will be along later.
Not one serious comment to be had. Typical of the attitude coursing through the forum that scaffolding is a bit of a laugh and a subject that invokes banter and pi## taking.
Thank heavens that the sensible, serious scaffolding specialists such as aom, happyhugenot, gerscaff and celticboy will be along later.

don't forget rob Mack and midge hswt.
i did have a wee chuckle at them myself good one to start the weekend off since the funerals been and the steak pies all finnished;)
I read somewhere that it's illegal to murder a prostitute and have sex with her corpse...

jesus phill thats a bit heavey:laugh: last time i had a prostitute i got clamider wernt bothered but it cost me £8.00 pound for the perscription to get rid off it:laugh:
See so much crap posted on here and other scaffolding sites saying its the LAW to do certain things.
For example BY LAW you have to have CISRS card, you must wear a harness when off the ground, anyone got any exact points except from not breaching the WAH regs?

Of course its all bollix. when reading those statements I laff me nuts off. Ive challenged a few on here to show me that particular law. No ones ever come back. Is law not something put into place by the govt? That would be an interesting agenda for parliament to debate.
Whilst working at height A proposal for all scaffs to wear a harness. This does not apply to any other trade. Oh yeah and while were at it lets make all cards obselete,unless its cisr.:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Not one serious comment to be had. Typical of the attitude coursing through the forum that scaffolding is a bit of a laugh and a subject that invokes banter and pi## taking.
Thank heavens that the sensible, serious scaffolding specialists such as aom, happyhugenot, gerscaff and celticboy will be along later.

A serious scaffolding specialist, mm, can I put that on my paper work HSWT?

The week I have had and the stupid comments from so called knowledgeable safety men, I can only concur with your findings. Not the forum thing but the fact that a large portion of our industry is policed by a bunch of inbred boaby sookers who couldn't tell fact from fiction when the b54 bomber landed on the moon piloted by elvis as first reported in their paper of choice the National Enquirer.

My latest comment from another so called elf an safety man on Friday, "I want to see tubes hitting the wall on all these jobs."

Sounds fair enough you may think, well not if the job is insulated render and the first job of the day is to fix 300mm thick insulated panels to all of these walls before applying the render you fekin thick kunt.:mad:
the safety market is akin to Scaffolding in that any tom **** or harry can pay a couple of grand and end up with the correct paperwork.while in Scaffolding you will learn all be it the hard way
When I got into this game..... it wasn't because I wanted to comply with any law.

It was for the freedom and fun you could have (and not many were capable of doing the job), that were the main attractions....and the money wasn't too bad.

In those days you could either do it, or you couldn't....and those that couldn't were told to F6ck off and probably got jobs as Bus Conductors before the emerging monolith of the Safety Industry took over.....then they became Elfs!

As a confirmed Luddite, I don't believe a bit of plastic or paper makes a Scaffolder......I still believe it takes a Spanner and the ingenuity and b4lls to use it!
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