The Great Apprenticeship Scandal.


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2010
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Did anyone watch this on Panorama through the week? I recorded it but only managed to watch it tonight and can't believe there has not been more said about it even on here. A disgrace, thousands of boy's being pushed through their so called trade with little or no training so the providers can pick up millions of tax payers cash. I think it's about time someone put their foot on the ball and did something about this training scandal.:mad:
I Watched It, Reminds Me Of The 1980s When That Bitch Who Should Be Burned At The Stake Was In Power, Now We Have A Similar Assault On The Trade System.By A Bunch Of Upper Class Twits Who Dont Give A Toss About Anyone Except Big Financial Institutions.
Can you believe the number of young men being ripped off after loads of promises, I know I couldn't. One firm had 240 apprentices supposedly fully trained in their chosen trade in only 26 weeks and only 3 trainers doing all the graft. Each apprentice earning the firm 9k allegedly, a fekin disgrace.

Another one, that fekin Morrison lot, what are they all about soaking up apprentice grants for shelf stacking, where will it all end and when will we see sense?
Its Only Our Money After All, The Tories Giving It To There Mates As Usual,But To Be Honest Labour (Now Theres Two Words That Dont Go Together Often) Were Every Bit As Clueless Instead Of Promoting True Craft Apprenticeships They Promoted An Academic Route, With Practical Skills Taking Very Much A Back Seat.
I just can't believe what's been going on, I take it there will be a shake up now though. Bolting the door after the horse has bolted spring to mind but it's a start.
lost faith in the politicians long ago, I honestly don't know who I could vote to sort this country out,
They are all the same... they all lie, cheat and rip-off the public, who they are supposed to be working for...

They line their own pockets with dodgy deals and corrupt policies.
Politicians: Themselves > Britain.
My daughter was on an apprenticeship with "Rush" for a year and has just been sacked for nothing , they use the girls s cheap labour paying them £20 day, and as soon as they reach the national wage minimum age they sack them , they make them buy a set of kit which cost over £300 make them work late for nothing , make them work weekends for the same £20 a day and then just get rid of them as soon as they have to pay them the minimum wage . Its a fooking disgrace that they can do this , I have pushed my daughter to take it further and she now has an appeal on Tuesday , so we will see .
They have over 60 salons and each salon will have 2-3 young girls on £20 a day thats a lot of cheap labour.
Wish Her All The Best Phil, Some Companies Seem To Think That They Can Get Away With Treating There Employees Like Crap,What Eventually Will Happen If People Are Pushed To Far Is There Will Be A Radical Shift In Attitude By The Workforce, And Thats Where The Get Fekked Will Come Into It, Its Already Happening Here. Theres No Give And Take Just Take And If Your Not Happy Ill Get Someone Else To Abuse Because Im Paying You A Pittance.
Just hang on here lads and before you shoot me down, I understand what AOM is saying but without schemes like these you would have kids going out robbing, hanging around the local park getting bladdered on all sorts of cocktails and whatever else they will be doing. The stats are not very good on youth unemployment so it is a way forward.
I had 3 young lads at M&S the oldest 1 who is now 19 has turned out be become a great young scaffolder and he is earning £400 - £550 a week for not breaking sweat. He did his training at Simian and I spoke with him a few weeks ago. He is now looking at furthering his career into the offshore route.
He started off on £108 a week top note. I dont set these rates the goverment does. There are plus points as well as negitive points on every subject but the main issue is this country working its self out of this mess because nobody will do it for them. This isnt aimed at any arguement im just looking at the subject from both aspects.
I agree Steve, I use the apprenticeship scheme to great effect but I would no doubt do the same training if it was there or not. It's the same old story, you only hear about the failures but for me in any economy especially the one we are operating in at the moment every penny should be a prisoner and the fact that we can successfully train some young men should not be used as an excuse for ripping the rest off. Morrison's should not be getting government cash to train shelf stackers as an apprenticeship.
To Tell The Truth Alister Morrisons Never Actually Started Anyone For These So Called Apprenticeships, They Just Moved The Staff Around From Department To Department.
My daughter was on an apprenticeship with "Rush" for a year and has just been sacked for nothing , they use the girls s cheap labour paying them £20 day, and as soon as they reach the national wage minimum age they sack them , they make them buy a set of kit which cost over £300 make them work late for nothing , make them work weekends for the same £20 a day and then just get rid of them as soon as they have to pay them the minimum wage . Its a fooking disgrace that they can do this , I have pushed my daughter to take it further and she now has an appeal on Tuesday , so we will see .
They have over 60 salons and each salon will have 2-3 young girls on £20 a day thats a lot of cheap labour.

The whole systems a disgrace. Seems the days of swetshops are back and thriving. Now its employment thru umbrella companies,where you pay for your own training,then que for the privaledge of earning 6.50 an hour,if your lucky.
I have had a good few lads go through the Apprentice route and done good for themselves
but a lot of these companys dont have any intention of qualifying these young people ,
and in my opinion any young person that is willing to go to work should be encouraged and not abused by these cheap large companys whos only interest is in making money and obtaining grants from the government , NONE of these so called apprentice ever qualify a soon as the companys have to up their wages they find a silly excuse to sack them , and then simply just another batch , all my apprentices qualified and after the first 6 months i gave them a pay rise and every 6 months after that , bought all their kit for them and helped them with all their training portfolios , it borders on a slave trade what these companies are getting away with,

and believe me i have far from finished with my daughters employers if her appeal is not to her satisfaction :mad:
Go For It Phil, It Seems As Though We Are Going Back In Time, Not Forward Industrial Relations Are Really Straining Right Now, Cause Some Employers Think That Because Of The Recession They Can Do What They Like To Fund There Lifestyle, When Do These Idiots Realise You Have A Duty Of Care Towards Your Staff (Im Not Talking Tuck Them Into Bed At Night But Dont Treat People Like Crap Either)
Whats the answer Phillio?? Name and shame. Customers pay big money to these people. 60 shops and rising on the backs of young people. Where would any of us older ones be in todays environment.
In My Case Fred Permanetly Unemployed, I Never Took Crap From Anyone, If For Any Reason I Was At Fault Then Fine I Would Hold My Hands Up And Take My Punishment,But I Was Not There To Be Abused Or Treated Like Crap.I Was There To Learn How To Be A Good Scaffolder.
Our society is now education driven,courses and tickets.
For the sake of our children we need to get back to skills.
Apprentice Vacancies |  RUSH Hair

This the lot my daughter worked for , cost her £100 a month in fares to earn £20 a day , she got up every morning at 6am to get ready and was never home before 8pm , and even when we buried my Niece last year she was told she had to come in after the funeral or be disciplined , took my wife hours to stop me landing down at the shop and showing the manager how us scaffolders deal with discipline .
Is it any wonder young people dont want to work when they get treated like that,
i got her answering the phone for £40 a day now just till she gets sorted
What We Need Fred Is Proper Indentured Apprenticeships Where Apprentices And Employers Are Protected, And They Cannot Be Used As Slave Labour .This Is Someones Future And Also The Future Of This Country.
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