Morning Guys
As a couple of you have already spotted it would appear to be the existing steel span bridge that has failed taking the scaffold with it.
I would guess this to be an MOD job and without doubt they will have insisted upon a design and that will have gone through numerous checks and cross checks.
When the original steel span unit was designed it will have been designed for self wt + public imposed load. It is unlikley to have been designed for an imposed load from scaffolding as well.
When designing this scaffold the considerations would have been, Self wt. + imposed loads from wind and working. When checking the supporting structure which is not within the Scaffold Engineers remit the considerations would have been the reactions shown by the Scaffold Engineer + the Bridge self wt. + the Imposed load from the public.
The scaffold would appear to be intact but from the BBC pictures one side of the steel span would appear to be in the water and the other still on the Belfast.
I would anticipate there to be some movement in and out and up and down from tidal flow this may be a factor.
If I was a betting man I would be looking at the steel support structure not the scaffold