Ian we have known alot longer than September that the wind loads in TG20:08 were no longer any good more like 6-8 months. It does baffle me as to why it has taken so long for a proper statement to be issued.
6-8 months? More like 6 years!!!
TG20:08 was released with wind loading assessed using BS6399, the Eurocode 1991-1-4 which replaced it had already been out for 3 years!! When it came into force in Jan 2011 it had already been out and available to use for 5 1/2 years.. how can they not be prepared? How much more notice do you need?
To then wait 10 1/2 months to 'officially' state Vol 2 tabs were invalid is... well.. slow. Everyone knew they were invalid from Jan '11.. everyone knew they would become invalid when they were released in 2008!
If you ran a business like that.. how would you get on? .... Exactly.