Tax man - how much does he take


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2010
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a bit old but very scary. You wonder why we have no money and still be penalised by reduction in spending, higher taxes etc......

Of £100 earned, 11% is paid in National Insurance contributions (nothing but a euphemism for an additional tax on income) and 22% is paid in Income Tax (40% for higher rate taxpayers).

Of the remaining £67 of take-home pay let's say that over a week you spend it like this:

£15 for a meal out
£8 on cinema tickets
£16 in petrol
£3 put by for electricity
£7 on some cigarettes
£9 on a few drinks down the pub
£4 paid out in insurance premiums
£3 put aside for Council Tax
£2 put by for Road Tax

Sound reasonable?

Obviously 100% of the last two items are wholly tax.

Your electricity bill is subject to 5% 'Value Added Tax'. Your insurance policy is also subject to a 5% 'Insurance Premium Tax'. When you spend anything at the cinema and eating out, 17.5% is automatically added to the bill to be given to the government in VAT. While you're enjoying yourself, so is the Treasury.

35% of a well-deserved drink goes direct to our masters, and a recent AA campaign followed by the picketing of oil refineries serves to remind us that a staggering 85% of the money spent on petrol is snatched by the taxman. Eighty five per cent! But even that is not the worst. The state loves a smoker, of course, and from the money spent on cigarettes an astonishing 88.9% enters its coffers.

It brings tears to the eyes. Altogether, a full £29.91 of that week's expenses goes straight to the taxman.

Of the £100 earned, £62.91 will have been paid to the government in tax.

At the end of the day, all you will have to show for it is £37.09 in goods and services. A higher-rate taxpayer will retain a miserly £29.09! And that ignores the additional £12.80 your employer will have had to pay to the government.

The average worker paid £6.63 an hour in tax to the Treasury in the 2007/8 tax year last year - more than the minimum wage and 5.6 per cent more than a year ago. The figures, calculated by The Daily Telegraph, and published by them on 22 March 2008 are taken from documents published by the Treasury at the time of the 2008 Budget statement.

Presuming each of the 31.6 million taxpayers in the country works an eight-hour day, and takes the standard time off for holiday, they contributed on average £6.63 for every hour that they worked. In the 2006/7, 31.2 million taxpayers contributed £6.28 each.

Breakdown of £6.63 tax paid by average workers each hour for 07/08 tax year.
Income tax £3.57
VAT £1.37
Alcohol and tobacco duty £0.28
Inheritance Tax £0.07
Council Tax £0.40
National Insurance £0.70
Stamp Duty £0.24
Capital Gains Tax £0.08
Fuel Duty £0.42
Vehicle Excise Duty £0.10
Others (e.g. air tax) £0.40
I keep contemplating leaving this country for the above reasons. My sister moved to New Zealand a couple of years ago for a better life style miht haveto startlooing into it.
Sorry Morgan Law

But I did not have the commitment to read all your post,Hope you are self employed and not wasting your employers time :unsure:

Yea we pay loads of tax but if we did not, how could we give asylum and a great welcome to all the flotsum and jetsom from around the world.Then there are all the prisoners to be kept in the manner they demand.

The list is endless :mad:
Great post.
Maybe make it a Sticky?

Shows how much the government fukks us over...

Must be brilliant as a Politician.
They can be as incompetent as they want and STILL they keep their job.
Have seedy gay sex in public, or be paedophiles and then they become overnight celebrities...
Take massive back-handers for allowing scum/rapist's/pervs/murderers/terrorists to walk the streets - with MORE rights then we have and foreigners to destroy the heart and history of this once great nation and its brushed under the carpet.

And they call America the 'land of opportunity'?
More like Britain is the 'land of opportunity' for these low lifes who run this country...
Good post Morgan, I have often pondered the same question without too much success due to the thudding pain in my brain when I run out of fingers.:D

One personal thought that continues to irk my tiny mind is the question of a smoker. If I smoke an average of 20 a day over lets say an average of 50 years how much do you reckon I have invested in our admittedly over stretched nhs. I only ask as the day is not far away when they will tell all the self inflicted injuries and disease's to beat it but I always reckoned the average smoker more than makes up for any end of life treatment by years of contributions?
i wasnt sure of the thread,maybe it could have been headed better.
top notch though.
the singer adelle,my wee lassies like her apparently made a grumble about the taxes she pays,at first i thought who the feck but she made sense.
she stated the kids dont get educated,the police are non existant and even bins dont get cleaned.thats probably not what she said but along they lines.

Politicians and judges are all the same , the riots that took place a couple of weeks ago were on their own doorstep why do you think the rioters are getting harsher sentences than rapists and paedo's.

So that mean u only clear hundred grand then ??!!?
Salary sacrifice into a self managed super fund, gets your tax right down, especially if your not stopping here. Nobody likes the tax here, but the sun comes up most days!

Hswt, get onto your accountant, they will help with the above.

You can collect all your money in Switzerland on the way home!!

Salary sacrifice into a self managed super fund, gets your tax right down, especially if your not stopping here. Nobody likes the tax here, but the sun comes up most days!

Hswt, get onto your accountant, they will help with the above.

You can collect all your money in Switzerland on the way home!!


Thanks Celtic, accountant on the case already. I wont be going via Switzerland too cold!! Theres a hammock on an island in the South China Sea with my name on it and a cold beer beside it!!!!!
Nice one, i have my eye on 2 steel islands in that region, no hammock though!
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