Street VS Offshore


Aye, Offshore its handy to fall back on sometimes---that reminds me Iv got a re-fresher BOSIET in March :eek:---I wonder How 319 is gettin on, he went Offahore on Monday, I worked wi him in the 80s WWWwwwoooooooooooooooooooosh :nuts:--- where you from amo ???

Hi Gary,

It was 319 who tipped me the wink about this site. I haven't spoken to him for a couple of days so I didn't realise he was already away. He did say there was a murmer about sending him down south but that was the last I heard, I don't think he will be glad to be back.

I'm from Campbeltown, nobody usually knows where the hell that is till you remind them about the song Mull of Kintyre. I met 319 working on the Santa Fe Monitor for ....... brain freeze I cant remember the firm name but it was the MacDonalds, you will know them or certainly their old man.

The Decommissioning ha already started all be it in it infancy---the North West Hutton Top-side---Norge Frigg, Ecofisk and a few others.
I attended a Decom Seminar in Aberdeen last year, it was very interesting, the Orginisations are trying to sus out how to Decom the variouse Installations---one BIG concern is the Hazardous material contained within the inside of the Pipe work, i.e. Low Scale Radiation and other Carcinogens.

They dont know where to take the Installation to a Decom Yard and cut it or cut it into PIECE SMALL Offshore and take it to the Beach---a lot of big concerns :eek:

---------- Post added at 05:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:49 PM ----------


Ye, I was one of the first Scaffs to start wi Aberdeen Scaffolding, Knew John well and his Brother Willie and his cousin Dixon---aye, The Squad was Auld Sammy Buchan ( Bunny ) John Rush and me, aye Man, happy days.

Ye, Campbell Town, I know the place, I worked at Port Askage Distillery on Isla for 3 weeks erectin thrupenny bits rood the big Vats---feck sake, had to come home, I was pissed most days, used toget the clear stuff from the Distilary Guys :nuts:
Port Askaig, we still go over there to work now and again. No clear whisky any more though, maybe a good thing. Have a look at the aom rant, pissed me right off but just unloading, that was at kennacraig where the Islay boat leaves the mainland.

Never met yer man Sammy but heard plenty of stories from Gaz, happy days eh. Are you still on the spanners or are you on the greasy pole to management now.:D

been round the block a few times, Scaff, Project Manager, 3rd Party Consultant and now back on the Tartan Banners---once a Scaff always a Scaff, less hastle---I read your Rant, bad hair day eh LOLooo, I know how you feel, I was Operating a Family Firm Specialising in Traditional T+F Structures---Power Station Shut Downs Vessel Repair that sort of thing---but my nephew ( Scaff ) wenrt over to Dubai---Im Scaffolding the interior of the Masonic Temple Abdn March...and may be go Offshore for a Shut Down---I,ll see what comes in...;)
A varied career eh. Can't claim to come close but the country boys do alright. Yes I did have a bad hair day today and sometimes I wish I was back off shore or elsewhere but I've taken this business to far now and it takes a bit of feeding. Tommorrow will be better.:worried:

Aye, there's alway tomorrow---we wouldni change it for the world eh ?---fae,s like us Scaffs, damn few---Scaffs Rule :nuts:

i worked on the street and offshore what i say give me a blue book job anyday of the week.

you are bang on the money there mate, money offshore is **** to what it used to be, putting your life in danger for what? £500 quid a week. give me blue book anyday.
Take as many blue books offshore as you like,plenty of time to read them,money for nowt i thought,hardest part of the job is tracking down your clean laundry.;)

I got to agree with you regarding Offshore money, it's took a big hit lately and I some times wonder if the remuneration is worth the Risk---i was involved in the Offshore Installations occupations during the late 80's, this was in responce to the Operators and Service Companies direct dilution of the Offshore Bears Terms and Conditions. The occupations eventualy collapsed and a return to normal Ops ensued---I got the walk about for two years for my troubles---Had the OILC kept the line, we would now be on par with our Norge Brothers---however, aye, your right the moneys pish, but 3square a day, nae washin dishes and dodging the gaffer for 12 hours is nae bad for the dosh :nuts:
I'm with daz on that! Offshore is a doddle, maybe i have just been lucky but have never been paid just £500 a week. It wouldn't be worth it for that ! Worse case would be 12hrs a day and then you would get £2400 in you skyrocket for the trip. Bluebook is OK but the tea shack police do my nut, but that's just me.:wondering:
worked offshore over 25 years now, you get used to the time off, money is good not, fantastic, also get 4 weeks paid holidays now which helps, wages aint gone up the last year and lookin grim again this year,

Wages could be better, Term and Conditions have been eroded over the years---I remember my first Offshore rate, OCPCA £3.33p P.H. :eek:
was £4.25 ph when i first started out here garry , no travel , no leave pay, find your own digs in aberdeen , and 2 and 1.... come to think of it , a lot of the guys on here do 3 on 1 off if they get the chance of a 3 weeker its grabbed, what chance have we got of ever getting better terms and conditions, even the 4 weeks paid holidays are abused, guys turning it inot a bonus scheme, wish they would make it use or loose.. any way rant over lol

Unfortunately, the Operators have had their way since the occupations of the Installations in the 80's---it is a pity that our Socialist Government did not follow the Statoil's example of Terms and Conditions. However, that said, I made some great M8's and had some great times---happy days :cool:
Sorry not been around for a few weeks , sadly the bills caught up with us . No work, onshore, offshore or abroad on the horizion.
Hubby gets calls from his old offshore work mates to see how things are going (nice bunch of lads ), trying to keep him in the loop of things.
Scaffs always stick together :)
Hopefully something will come Bish,keep your heads up,good luck..
its always been street for me. I'm not very good with authority and like the freedom of being able to say "stick your job mate", plus going for your breakfast when you want, starting and finishing when you like, I like the independence of the street. though just beofre xmas i was talking to a lad who'd just done his first few trips, and the free gym, all your meals found, steak nights etc, did make it sound very tempting.
Yeah, hubby found it hard on his first 2 trips, but after that he enjoyed it, i think it has a lot to do with the guys that you work with aswell, lucky for him, he worked with guys who had brillant senses of humour :D
I've seen the pics LOL
Offshore for me, 1983 (i think) Beryl B hook-up the start and never looked back like you say Garry things have changed loads out here, mainly the multi tasking that is eroding the amount of Scaffolding being built, mind you that helps bring ad-hoc lads onto the platforms to catch up with backlogs, cash is ok but not brilliant. Bish, what is it with Scaffolders moll's my missus is the same, when I was on the street and came in covered in rust SHE would MELT:love: I thought it was me face she loved but obviously it was the scruff jeans and kecks!! Street work for the upper body strength topping off with those long!!:eek: a distant memory now but could you pose or what man the lasses loved it:laugh: thats enough for now lads great site.
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