Aye, Offshore its handy to fall back on sometimes---that reminds me Iv got a re-fresher BOSIET in March ---I wonder How 319 is gettin on, he went Offahore on Monday, I worked wi him in the 80s WWWwwwoooooooooooooooooooosh :nuts:--- where you from amo ???
Hi Gary,
It was 319 who tipped me the wink about this site. I haven't spoken to him for a couple of days so I didn't realise he was already away. He did say there was a murmer about sending him down south but that was the last I heard, I don't think he will be glad to be back.
I'm from Campbeltown, nobody usually knows where the hell that is till you remind them about the song Mull of Kintyre. I met 319 working on the Santa Fe Monitor for ....... brain freeze I cant remember the firm name but it was the MacDonalds, you will know them or certainly their old man.