Street Permits


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2010
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Down South
Was doing a refresher course at Didcot power station.
Got talking to the instructor,who informed me that from next year councils will no longer issue permits to erect scaffold,unless the company applying are members of NASC.
Thought I should let you guys know what I heard.
he is talking bollox mate that would be illegal, nasc is not an organisation you are legally expected to join . they have no legal bearing on anything and cannot make anything law , they only represent a standard that is recommended and approved by government bodies.

hope that makes sense , fcukin hate mondays cannot think straight
Think if that's what they have mind probably depend on each council. Whenever we apply for a permit each coucil has its own rules.
he is talking bollox mate that would be illegal, nasc is not an organisation you are legally expected to join . they have no legal bearing on anything and cannot make anything law , they only represent a standard that is recommended and approved by government bodies.

hope that makes sense , fcukin hate mondays cannot think straight

Not talking bollox sillyscaff,just passing on what I heard
It was mooted but was thought prudent to re-word it. Before I am savaged, bare in mind that this comes after a few accidents and councils realised they were getting dragged into compensation claims. I know there are plenty good firms out there without membership but I think this was one way for the councils to prove they had taken reasonable steps to prove only competent firms were erecting over busy city centres.
absurd comments as super says this body the nasc has no power over who gets permits,never will have wonder how much spare time these guys must have on their hands to concoct such tales lol.
aom it would infringe every competition rule going,would create a monopoly therefor thousands of non nasc scaffs losing their jobs.....hairbrained lol,its the old instructor telling tales again mate.

---------- Post added at 07:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:14 PM ----------

superscaff i think im ahead again??
aom it would infringe every competition rule going,would create a monopoly therefor thousands of non nasc scaffs losing their jobs.....hairbrained lol,its the old instructor telling tales again mate.

This is genuine Celtibhoy, there was a few councils signed up for it but it was withdrawn for the reasons you have mentioned. Edinburgh was a big fan after a couple of accidents involving unregulated firms. I think if you try to keep in mind why it was first brought up, it was nothing to do with monopolies and more to do with reducing accidents involving members of the public. Councils obviously realised they had to do something and this was the first attempt at reducing shoddy scaffolds on the highways. I think in the end they settled for a re-vamp of the application for the permit to ensure better planning of all street works.

Not too sure if this is true but I seem to remember being told that Birmingham council has had this for a few years.
celticbhoy yes you are , i let my slight lead slip due to being a lazy barsteward after a heavy saturday night , im now basing things on who has been thanked the most so you are losing lol :laugh:

P.S im now concentrating on passing garry adams while he is absent lol
putting the said permits in the hands of a private profit driven ie the nasc would bring all impartiality in scaffoldig to an end,youd be better giving a monkey a loaded machine gun in argyle st.never happen.
We are all private profit driven organisations. As I said some councils felt it was the easiest way for them to differentiate between regulated and non regulated not necessarily good and bad. This fell by the wayside but the original poster was right in what he said.
your moving the goal posts now,i dont think i have any thanks?when im off line my mrs will be posting so if things get bit odd then youl know it is she and not me..............remember this festive time take a couple of minutes out to whisper those three little words to her...............IM AWAY OOT.

---------- Post added at 07:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 PM ----------

the council certinly isnt private profit driven????and it is them in question of whom we speak my friend.
They have always had control of the permits though, no change there. In fact they should read them once in a while as they are so out of date round here it's pathetic. They were long over due for a revamp and a bit more unified throughout the regions would be nice.
thats why companys like yourself aom spend so much on training,so that they can show they have competant men to undertake the erection amandment and dismantle of street jobs,not for the nasc to say oh youv done all that training but hey your not in our club so bye bye,NO CHANCE.

---------- Post added at 07:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 PM ----------

soccer time phil taylor is god.
I spend money on training so the boy's have the right tools to do the right job no other reason than that. Nobody round hear could spell nasc let alone care whether I'm a member or not. I could turn up with a pig under each arm and heather coming out my ears and they wouldn't bat an eye lid as long as when I left there was some kind of structure where they want it that lets their men repair what ever it is that's being repaired. It's only when the outsiders come in they look a bit deeper but that equates to a small percentage of turnover and payment is quite often a hit or a miss. I joined for the simple reason I wanted to be part of my trade body, I knew regulation would take for ever and a day to get to me so I had to be proactive and seek it out and that lead me to their door. I haven't regretted it for a minute and would recommend anyone to look closely at joining.
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