Stepping backwards

I was a supervisor like you Paul and hated every minute of it, but i stuck in there picked everybodies brains and slowly got into the estimating side of things and from there it was onwards, upwards and now downwards again lol
Its bad enough going to a firm fresh and doing it, if your at the same firm its hard to seperate being a mate and being firm with the lads you use to work with, as you can garante you will be tw@t no 1 what ever you do worse job in the game as you become the firms rubbing rag.
i believe you are better starting it at a new firm as the lads you work with will always know you as a m8 and try and take liberties but saying that which companie is going to put you in charge if you have never a worked for them or b done it b4? stick in a few more mounths get what you ned out of it an ither go back on the spanners or change companie that way you can show your authority and aims from the off sounds a bit harsh but if you've worked with people ya now in charge of you dont know were to draw the line but stick at it for as long as you can and you will soon get the happy medium
your true mates will understand you have to be authorative,your so called mates will resent this,decent blokes you dont know respect you as a gaffer,w*nkers will take the piss and think your unfair,as long as your decent and respectful and dont abuse your new found position its the best position to be in mate,you will find out what people are really about and also find out a lot about yourself,stick at it and im sure more positives will come for you,**** em all mate business is business and if they cant hack it give em a dummy and tell em there mummies picking them up for being naughty;)
If they had respect for you when you were wearing the tools it shouldn't change if you take them off.
And if it does then F.uck them off.
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