Starting out for yourself...

Go for it mate
To many people sit and think about it but never do it, if there is any help needed you will get it on here you know that.
Good look
hi stompetry fml south end on sea i found them the best,but i would also tell you i have been trading for 8 years i had over 350ks worth of stock x1 10 tonner and x3 7.5 tonners x2 pick ups and 11 men after this ressession i have decided enough is enough people going bust on u then setting up the next day late payers. its not good for ur health buddy i had contracts all over they are all the same ur the best thing since sliced bread when u drop ur price and then they start with back charges then followed by late payments my advice if you can earn 40k a year forget about being ur own boss so much work involved
get on and do it,its why we do this job init,chaseing the money,i did it for five years,had to shut down as partner wanted out,couldnt keep it myself so had to sell up,if i had another chance ide jump at it,starting at six,work all day,finish at five,tea,then out pricing jobs till ten.
how ya doing fella theres nothing like picking up a wage packet 8 years of torture with people turning me over had some prestige contracts but you have to be very lucky to land them u need at least 8 good contracts from good payers to get somewhere.a freind of mine has 30 men hes been trading 35 years hes one of the largest in his area and still now he as cash flow problems most companies have too much credit but once ur in u cant get out unless u sell better off blue book safe work good wage keep in touch
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